Sunday, September 27, 2015

Unforgiveness; Forgiveness

Heavenly Father,

I hear people everyday talking about forgiveness....every aspect of forgiveness.  We don't forgive another or we fail to ask for forgiveness for our own inconsiderate or selfish acts.   We allow unforgiveness to settle down in an ugly place deep inside us where it spoils, destroys and ruins a spirit, a personality and even a relationship.  Unforgiveness can be a very lonely place, Lord. I pray my precious children will be forgiving.  I pray that they will have a wise, discerning forgiving spirit and will easily ask for forgiveness. Pridefulness or self-righteousness prevents many of us from humbly asking for forgiveness.  If we are to be more like You, Jesus, we must learn to forgive and to seek forgiveness from others. Otherwise, we are held captive by the bonds of living in denial and not dealing with truth.  Thank You, Lord for Your forgiveness.  We are all such a mess and yet you do more than forgive. You forgive and still keep loving us with a love that never changes. That's how we are to forgive and love; just like You!  Teach us all how to be better forgivers.   In Jesus' Name, Amen

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgive each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.  Ephesians 4:32

And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him so that your Fahter in heaven may forgive you your sins. Mark 11:25

A marriage is made up of two good forgivers - Anne Graham Lotz  (a quote Pastor Dan used in Chip and Rebecca's marriage ceremony - do you remember??!)

Forgiveness, like love, is a decision we make. - Dr. John Trent

Breaking Free (updated) by Beth Moore
Forgiveness involves my handing over to God the responsibility for justice. The longer I hold on to it, the more the bondage strangles the life out of me…Memories may still be painful to me at times, but they no longer have power over me.

This isn’t the life I signed up for…But I’m Finding Hope and Healing by Donna Partow    What does forgiveness have to do with Satan and his schemes? EVERYTHING! He knows the power of forgiveness better than anyone. It was God’s willingness to provide a means of forgiveness for the human race that foiled Satan’s plans at the cross. What is Satan’s scheme in your life? It’s real simple! To keep you stuck in your old ways. To keep you so focused on who did what and who said what and how dare they and you’ve had it! So you can’t move forward with the rest of your life. ....There can be no authentic forgiveness as long as we are in denial.

Living in denial is living a lie, Beautiful Children.  Walk in the Light and live in Truth....know and practice forgiveness.  It is a God's healing balm of reality and true freedom.  

Always and forever ~

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