Sunday, September 27, 2015

Piling on in Life; Distractions

Heavenly Father, 

Forgive my early adult years when I was caught up in things of this world. Seems I managed to pile on multiple temporal distractions instead of focusing eternal interests....on being Your child, a wife and Mom; a daughter and sister.  Atop my actual identity in life I piled on career, house, volunteering, 'things', hobbies, what I thought were my 'passions' and an ongoing state of being self absorbed. The list is endless.  Lord, I pray my children can bypass the trap of piling on.  May they know who they are in You and give that privilege first priority in life.  May they make time to nurture and develop the relationship with a spouse or significant other. Then, all other demands and interests fall into proper perspective.  I confess, I still often get caught in the priority trap or rather,the misplaced priority trap! It's a constant struggle for most of us......thank You, Lord for grace and forgiveness when we seem to intentionally build imbalance in our Iives. Holy Spirit, stir up my children to daily adjust to healthy priorities in their lives of constant change.  In Jesus Name, Amen

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your mind and with all your strength....and love your neighbor as yourself. "

Loving you always and forever..... 

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