Sunday, September 27, 2015

Constructive Conflict -

Heavenly Father,

This morning I praise You for the mighty, powerful and sovereign God that You are.  There is none like You and how blessed I am - my children are -  to know You and claim You as Lord of our lives. I lift up my children to You and ask that You empower them with skills to deal with conflict. Learning to resolve conflict seems to be a lifetime project for most of us. Often, it is a skill many avoid until the 'piling on' of unresolved conflict sets us on edge or creates an ongoing anxiety. Forgive me for years of avoidant behaviors that shied away from asserting healthy resolution skills.  I pray my children will acquire and use their abilities to resolve any conflict that keeps them from knowing and enjoying Your perfect peace. Holy Spirit, guide them to learn how to deal with conflict in truth and in Your power of peace.  May they weigh in carefully on what is worthy to address, the risks involved and the outcomes desired.  Bless these beautiful loved ones. In Jesus' Name, Amen 

When people's lives please the Lord, even their enemies are at peace with them.  Proverbs 16:7
Deep Change: Discovering the Leader Within by Robert Quinn-
We have to decide if we dare to have a company (church – group, etc) that lets truth speak to power. We must decide if we dare to have constructive conflict. 

Always and forever -

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