Sunday, September 27, 2015

Healing; Peace; Love

Heavenly Father,

I lift up those precious loved ones to you.  We all want to be prayer warriors for Alyssa's beloved grandmother, Barbara, newly diagnosed with advanced cancer.  Because Barbara knows You as Lord and Savior, we have the blessed assurance that Your plan, hope and future for her is secure.  We pray for comfort, courage and great discernment for Alyssa, her mother and extended family as they care for Barbara.  Remind them, Lord that Barbara is drawing from their strength, as well as her own.  Their countenance, responses and encouragement as caregivers is crucial to Barbara's well-being and confidence that she will be sustained in her condition.  With peace for today and bright hope for tomorrow, we pray for the Brooks/Snow family and will lean on Your provision and understanding in the days ahead.  In Jesus' Name, Amen
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,  And He shall direct ] your paths."

God’s child who trusts His love possesses security in God’s leadership, in her salvation, in His mercy, in His comfort.  
​- Beth Moore​

Forever and always ~

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