Sunday, September 27, 2015


Heavenly Father,

Give my children wisdom for planning for days ahead. You don't want them obsess about what will or won't be, but give them forethought to be prepared and practical in their decisions for next steps of life. Your parable about 'counting the cost' was given to us for a specific reason - that we be equipped in life. These bright and capable young men and women know that You hold the future and they are secure in that fact.  I pray that they also grasp that they are partners with You in how things unfold.  May they live in security and use the gifts You gave them so that recklessness or impulsive behaviors don't set them up for failure. God.   We trust You and praise you, in advance, for created for each of them a plan, a hope and a future.  May they do their part and join You in the beautiful dance of living well; living abundantly,  Lord.   IJN Amen
A sensible man watches for problems ahead and prepares to meet them. The simpleton never looks, and suffers the consequences.  Proverbs 27:12
I think dwelling on God’s plan for the future often excuses us from faithful and sacrificial living now. It tends to create a safe zone or sorts, where we can sit around and have spiritual conversations about what God might have planned for our lives. Thinking, questioning and talking can take the place of letting the Spirit affect our immediate actions in radical ways. God wants to see His children stake everything on His power and presence in their lives.  - Francis Chan

Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives is the perfect preparation for a future that only He can see.  - Corrie ten Boom

​Always and forever ~​

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