Sunday, September 27, 2015

Never Feel Alone

Dear Lord,

I pray that these dear ones will never feel alone or abandoned.   We praise You for being a God who will never allows us to be beyond Your sight or Your reach. May these loved ones know the reassurance of Your constant watch-care and provision.  Help my children to face trials with a courage that is firmly routed in your strength and power so others might be drawn to You and know Your grace. We remain grateful that we have one another, Lord - to encourage, lift up; to be accountable and to sustain. We all lift up express prayers for Chip as he travels to see Stephen and Leah.  Keep him safe, rested and strong, Lord. May the flight and connections be well timed. I pray for his comfort and mobility during the travel time and during his stay away from home.    In Jesus’ name, Amen
You are my hiding place; You preserve me from trouble; You surround me with songs of deliverance.  Psalm 32:7
Hank Williams dropped out of school to pursue his dream of being a country music star, but he ran into problems with alcoholism. He married Audrey Sheppard at a gas station in Alabama. But Audrey threw Hank out of the house. Fueled by heartache, Williams wrote the song, “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry.” Shortly afterward he died at age 29 in the back of his Cadillac en route to a performance. His songs of loneliness and heartache made him an American icon, for somehow his plaintive melodies touched the hearts of those who are so lonely they could cry. The Bible has a one word answer for loneliness: fellowship. That is our opportunity to be best friends with the Lord and part of His worldwide family. It is the Divine answer. – Dr David Jeremiah

How to Succeed at Being Yourself  by Joyce Meyer
It is very difficult to get into serious trouble stepping out one step at a time. But those who won’t step out are already in serious trouble because they will never accomplish anything in life. Another safety factor we have followed is being sure our hearts are right concerning the thing we are doing. We have to be sure we have pure motives and are doing it solely because we believe it is God’s Will.
Always and forever ~​

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