Sunday, September 27, 2015

Judgmental Behavior

Heavenly Father,

May my children turn away from judgmental behavior.  We all want to use good judgment, but it's challenging to not be judgmental and compare.  Because I have wrestled with the the demon of judgmentalism all my life I pray they can come to peace with not being tolerant of unacceptable behavior; but, will define and protect themselves without 'classifying' others.  May we strive to be like  Joshua, saying, 'as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" without casting a negative light on someone else. I pray we never have to apologize for our faith in Christ or be sorry for Godly integrity.  I pray for myself along with these dear ones to live with Joshua's mindset. IJN Amen 
So be careful. If you are thinking, 'Oh, I would never behave like that' - let this be a warning to you.  For you, too may fall into sin.  I Corinthians 10:12
Beyond Boundaries by John Townsend
Use judgment instead of judging. That is, evaluate another person based on their own words and actions over time rather than stereotyping them based on previous destructive relationship. This will help you move beyond your protective boundaries and you will find more opportunities for authentic connection.
Battlefield of the Mind  by Joyce Meyer
God is the only One Who has the right to condemn or sentence, therefore, when we pass judgment on another, we are in a certain sense, setting ourselves up as God........Judgment and criticism are fruit of a deeper problem – pride. When the “I” is us is bigger than it should be, it will always cause problems. 

Always and forever ~ 

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