Sunday, September 27, 2015


(I have been reading several Bill Bright books and his autobiography ...amazing man who has changed the world through Campus Crusade for Christ, now known as CRU. ) 

Heavenly Father, 

Learning to be humble is a lifelong challenge for most of us.  Lord, You know how easily we take for granted those we love who are usually those to whom we allow our true selfish, carnal nature to be exposed.  Even though it is probably because our closest loved ones are with us all the time or we tend to take them for granted, we tend to be less considerate or even more emphatic about rights, communicate and equal distribution of power.  I know how we still struggle with like issues after many years of faithful marriage.  Thus, I pray for my dear children to be mindful of sharing information, making decisions together and maintaining healthy communication.  Another skill that is refined over the years!!
 Yet Lord, You call us to remain faithful and true to Your precepts for a healthy, safe and contented life; individually, as a couple and as a community.  This devotion was especially powerful,knowing that spiritual icons like the Brights had a reckless moment.  May we all learn to recognize the approach of such a defining moment that could change lives forever all because of ones selfish pride.  You tell us 'count the cost' .....may we do just that in every response: count the cost. InJesus Name, Amen

Always and forever - 

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