Sunday, May 31, 2020

Sunday Prayer

green ceramic mug beside book

Our God, we celebrate Your wonderful deeds for You are our protector. You rescue us and judge the nations. You know every heart and kind. You always do right and see that justice is done. You are wonderful! Thank You for going ahead of us, Lord. Your  Word is ours to claim through Holy Scripture. Your Holy Spirit is our ever present companion continually reminding us that we belong to You in Christ Jesus. Today we commemorate Pentecost, the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Christ's apostles and all those who follow Him. We remember Your Spirit wind, fire and speaking in tongues. Today, we acknowledge Your fresh wind blown into each of us. We yield to ongoing refining, realigning fires kindled in Your people. We claim You for all nations, languages, creeds, races and sects, knowing there is fruitfulness in service and motivation in ministry.  In prevailing prayer we ask for clean hearts and clear consciences for we cannot cling to the sins that nailed Jesus to the cross of Calvary; we cannot live in a state of disobedience and expect to enjoy Your favor. Father, may we totally believe Your guarantee to hear and answer our prayers. Forgive us when we question Your proactive Holy Spirit presence. Let us be intentional about an increasing  prayer time with you. We love you Lord and continue to beg for healing in our land - Your land - and healing around the world -  Your world. Settle the new chaos that has fallen on our country and may justice reign for all people. Thank You for the sure knowledge that healing and recovery is coming and it is by Your Hand. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen 

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