Sunday, June 14, 2020

Sunday Prayer

green ceramic mug beside book

Lord of All, The Psalmist wrote: “You are near, O Lord; and all your commandments are Truth. Of old we have known from Your testimonies that You have founded them forever.” Father, we worship You and to wait on You. Help us to grow in understanding Your ways; and not to succumb to impatience or discouragement because our personal timetable does not coincide with Yours. We stand on the promise that You make all things beautiful in Your time for You have set eternity in our hearts. Sweet Savior, strengthen our faith to fully depend on Your perfect timing. Everything you have done will remain forever.  There is nothing to add to it and nothing to take from it. You spoke and called all creation into being. You spoke to the ancients and used their minds, their vocabularies and their experiences to produce the perfect, infallible, inerrant Word that we love and study.  Thank you, for giving us written certainties to understand that the inspiration of Your Living Word is not of human writing, but Your very Words ....Your account of relating to man from moment of the first beam of light that shone in the darkness.  We believe that when Scripture speaks it is You speaking, Lord God, may Your Sacred Scripture never be altered, just as You can never be altered. You are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. You are our unchanging God. You knew we need help to work our way through this earthly life. We need positive training to behave in a manner that is Holy & acceptable to You. Thank you for Sacred Scripture.  Christ’s  Words are Your words and may they be the very words that remain etched in our hearts and on our minds - words that can change our lives, our families, our communities and our world. May the power of Your ancient words heal our land, heal our minds and hearts and bring equality to all Your people.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

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