Sunday, June 28, 2020

Sunday Prayer

    Almighty God, open our hearts and know our desires.  There are no secrets hidden from You for You are Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come. We come to You because of Jesus and all He sacrificed to bring believers into Your presence. Thank You for Jesus; that we have a perfect Father in Heaven who longs to share life with His own. Lord, we confess to being self absorbed and busy with things that bring temporary satisfaction. Forgive us for being so frail. May we turn our hearts to You and Your Word for rich, purposeful and abundant life.
                Strengthen us with Holy Spirit power to live in authentic faith;  lives that are rich and full because we have a Savior sufficient for every need. Thank You, Lord for human life and the express love You have for mankind. You created and designed us to be relationship with You - to love and to be loved. 
           In the faith of a little child - pure, innocent and unscathed by this world - we pray for hearts to be cracked open and filled to overflowing with the love of Jesus Christ. Bless those who already know Jesus is real and that He loves all people. Settle in us, O Great Jehovah. We know that in Jesus name, ALL LIVES MATTER.  We pray for Truth to prevail and a spirit of unity. We believe that life is sacred and that souls are identical and priceless.  Heal our world, O God. Heal our nation. Let there be peace on earth and may that peace begin in the hearts of Your people. In the beautiful, powerful name of Jesus, we pray. Amen. 

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