Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Happy Three-Month Birthday, Maisy!

What a thrill to arrive in Seattle two weeks ago and to finally hold you, MaisyGirl! We celebrate your life everyday, but being with you         everyday is a MONGO (a Dan Huck word 💗) blessing.               Happy three-month-old birthday today, Little One!  
Maisy, I am sharing more Verse-Mapping with you because it's all about you! These are Bible passages I studied and prayed for you     before you were born, Little One.                                                          On your three-month birhday, let's map Job 10:8a                                                 
Your hands shapped me and made me.....      (NIV)
You formed me with Your hands..... (NLT) 
Your hands have fashioned me and together totally....(KJ 2000) 
Thy hands have bound me together and made me as one...(Darby)
Thy hands have taken pains about me and They make me together round about  (Young's Literal) 

Your hands, Thy hands -  Hebrew hand =masculine, singular, a technical sense or sign; the stays or support of the tabernacle lover 

shaped me, formed me, bound me together, taking pains about me. - Hebrew=to cause pain; to stretch into shape; to form or copy and fashion. Oh, Maisy God took great pains in making you. He freely and intentionally takes pains of express care in making evry human being

made me, fashioned me - Hebrew= to accomplish or produce; to make an offering; to order, press or squeeze; forming with the highest diligence and care 

together totally, as one, together round about - Hebrew= altogether. round about=on all sides, head-to-toe and all in between (that's every tiny inch of you!)
  • Tabernacle lovers (tabernacle servants) washed their hands to perform priestly duties. So it is, with sancified, clean and purified hands God's design of a human being is an act of worship. He created us to be in relationship with Him, Maisy - to live for Him, serve Him and to make His world a better place. 
  • Conception is a union. Conception is God's gift to unite Himself with a human being.  You are His pleasure! I pray you will never forget that you are God's pleasure 💖
You were made to love God and for God to love you. He gave you to us for a grand purpose, as well. He fashioned you for us to love, completely and unconditionally. You were made to love your Mommy & Daddy, your grandparents, family and others. The sanctity of life is revealed in human conception. God esteemed you; held you as holy from the very instant you were formed by the union of your parents.
  • We know that creating life is accomplished only by God - the mysterious miracle of life! Humans may be instruments or vessels to achieve life, but conception is totally GOD'S accomplishment.  In addition, He is fully aware of His design whether it is different, like a parent, perfect or imperfect. You are no surprise to Him, sweet child! You are exactly how He intended you to be.                                     
  • Regardless of outward appearances and physicial states -internal or external, God creates every soul perfectly! Your soul is the most sacred part of you, Dear One.  Always and forever watch over your soul, Maisel.
  • The formation of every human being stands exactly and precisely on the same divine footing, male and female alike.  We are as Adam and Eve in Genesis 1: men and women with equal dominion over all creation and God with dominion over His people. It was God's perfect plan, Maisy.  That all changed when Adam and Eve made a decision to do things their way. We will talk about that more on another day!                                                                                                                                                                 Thank You, Heavenly Father, for purposefully, painstakingly  forming this little girl of and for Chip and Rebecca. We know that You made her for all of us to love. We delight in the vast possibilities that lie ahead of her in life. I pray that she will be a tabernalce lover and readily come to know You and live for You. Our hearts are full to overflowing with thanks and praise for the gift of life You have provided in Maisy. We trust Your design and Will for this precious child. In Jesus' name, Amen 

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