Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Miindfulness: Discipline Part 1

mindfulness printed paper near window

 Lately, I am intentionally resisting the urge to never take off my  PJs, to forget balanced meals and just snack all day; to skip wearing any and all makeup and to stare at the computer or TV screen until it is time to go back to bed.  Good habits and disciplines are challenged as staying in shelter seems to create another Groundhog Day. Thank You, God for your beautiful world and Texas sunshine that drives me outdoors to breath in fresh air and appreciate a strong dose of Vitamin D. Thank You, God for a loving, busy pup that lives to run and play outside.                                                                      
 My head is filled with prayers and concerns for our nation and world. Cocooned in our comfortable nest, I am mindful of  the grief, loss and suffering that soars around the globe. The shattered economies,  the unemployed, devastated businesses of all sizes, the hungry ....the list goes on and on.  This pandemic has touched every minute detail of life for all people.  Some of us are feeling helpless to engage in the cause of inching to recovery, wholeness and healing and still remain safe and healthy. 

Is it lack of motivation? Is it complaency about what's happening in the world? Or am I resisting casual behaviors of my natural bend because I have finally learned the value of discipline? Could this be the new condition called 'quarantine fatigue?'  Now retired,  I confess that it took me a long time to recognize how easy it is to to override personal and spiritual disciplines.  I also recognize that it shouldn't be easy nor comfortable to come to a screeching halt in life. I must be mindful of personal disciplines that keep life moving forward -  that keep me and those I love moving forward.

Think on these things......

"No horse gets anywhere until he is harnessed.  No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, disciplined." - Henry Fosdick
In a race, everyone runs but only one person gets first prize...
to win the contest you must deny yourselves many   
things that would keep you from doing your best.  
I Corinthians 9:24-25 TLB

People places and things were never meant to give us life. God alone is the author of a        fulfilling life. 
...I have come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly. - John 10:10 

One hundred years from now it won't matter if you got that big break or finally trade up to a Mercedes...   It will greatly matter one hundred years from now. that you made a commitment to Jesus Christ. 
For what does it profit a man, if he shall gain the 
whole world and lose his own soul?  -Matthew 16:26 KJV

"If you have a pulse, you have a problem."  - Max Lucado 
I have told you this, so that you might have peace in your hearts because of me. 
While you are in the world, you will have to suffer. 
But cheer up! I have defeated the world. - John 16:33 CEV

Mindfully discipline ourselves and count it all joy! 

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