Sunday, May 24, 2020

Sunday Prayer

person infront of bible book
Sweet Lord of All, we greet You today in faith and thanks for Your mercy & grace.  You are SO good. The work of Your hands is SO good. Heavenly Father, you're always near when we need You.  You never reject us nor fail us.  You always fulfill Your promises. Your Truth is timeless and pertinent. Thank You for the way Your Word applies to everyday living and circumstances. Thank You, praise You, bless You that Houses of Worship are open today.  While we strive to remain obedient to health restrictions and safety guidelines, our hearts are full to again be in the presence of beleiving community.  We are experiencing the Psalmist's joy when he wrote, I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the House of the Lord.  Father God, even when life seems to be crashing in, we have learned not to give in to despair , but to worship You. We have learned to pray and pour out thanks to Our Great God who is in control.  Hear the kind readers now as they yield control of heartfelt concerns.  Hear our prayers......    Jesus, we are learning to leave everything – good and bad  – in Your powerful, capable hands. Please forgive our selfish living that gives little thought to the needs of others. Melt our hearts and break us in our deepest places. Flood us with Your love so we can see and feel about others as You do. Save us from ourselves, Great Redeemer.   Save Your world from the devastation of disease and sickness. Bring us Your healing in a myriad of ways as only You can do, then thrust us into the community to share The Good News of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. We ask this all in Jesus' name, who gave Himself for us and through whom we have the privilege of praying. Amen 

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