Sunday, May 3, 2020

Sunday Prayer

Precious Lord, 
You hide us in the shelter of Your presence. You go ahead of us to direct our steps. Thank You, Father,  for delighting in every detail of our lives. If we stumble, we will not fall for You hold us by the hand. You guide us along the best pathways and we are humbled to hear and obey Your voice.  

Mighty Savior, may we have  compassionate, giving hearts toward those around us. Hold us to a higher calling to carefully observe Your commandments knowing that You are always near. Your power is more than enough for us to do good in this sad, broken and suffering world. You come to us when we are weary to carry our heavy burdens. You are always near to share our light burdens and even our perceived burdens.  Lord of all, hear our burdens, our praises and our deepest, most intimate thoughts as we bow before Your throne.  Listen to our hearts ..........
(Friends, open your hearts to our God) 

Thank you, Great Jehovah,  for caring more about our character than our comfort; for supplying  provision, not necessarily pleasure.  We acknowledge  that You are calling our nation and our world to cry out that we need You. With no hesitation, we say, WE NEED YOU, LORD!  WE NEED YOU NOW AND FOREVER!  Heal our nation and heal our world! 

You are so good to us, Almighty God. Today, many of us eagerly meet you at the table to feast in a celebration of remembrance and communion . We pray as Jesus prayed, in total transparency and faultlessly for there is nothing too hard for You! Thank You - Praise You - Bless You, Sweet Savior.  We pray all these things in Your name, Amen 

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