Saturday, May 23, 2020

Happy Two-Month Birthday, Maisy!


 Obbie and Pops love you more with each passing day.  We plan to be with you as soon as it is safe and healthy for you, your Mommy and Daddy and us, too. We can't wait!! FaceTime and Skype are wonderful options to see you, hear you and share how you are growing and changing everyday.  Your Mom and Dad are so generous and good to have family meetings using technology. Still, I just know that our face-to-face time together will cause my heart to explode with pure joy!! So, watch out, it's gonna be messy. 

Maisy, I am sharing more Verse-Mapping with you because it's all about you! These are Bible passages I studied and prayed for you before you were born, Little One. On your two-month birhday, let's map Psalm 139:15. 

My frame was not hidden from you, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth.  (NASB) 

You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. (NLT) 

Nothing about me is hidden from you! I was secretly woven together out of human sight. (CEV

My frame, formed, about me = frame in Hebrew means power, bones and might; skeleton. God knew exactly how your body was being formed, molecule-by-molecule, Miss Maisy. Cells, tissue, bones and connective structures came together to make you and God did all the work to make that happen.

was not hidden from you, You watched me, nothing is hidden from you = (Heb) covered. You were in plain, clear sight of God before you came into the world. When I think that God laid eyes on you before anyone else, it further convinces me of how great, mighty and good He is. We trusted Him to give us exactly the you He wanted us to have. 

in secret, in utter seculsion, secretly woven together = (Heb) sheltered and protected. God protected you from the moment you were conceived. You were safe in His care then and you are safe in His care now. You will always be safe in God's care, Baby Girl. 

skillfully wrought, woven together, secretly woven = (Heb) a verb noting perfection, varigated and mixed colors that are fashioned with skill and care. O Maisy, every part of you was intentionally formed by God's Hand and under His watchful care.  

depths of earth, dark of the womb, out of human sight = a distant space, terms used to heighten the mystery of birth, remote from human sight.  What we could not see, God saw.  What we did not know about you, God knew. 

  • The unique and set apart creation of Adam and Eve is repeated at every birth. My brain can't compute the thousands of years of gazillions of births made by the hand of God - WOW!  
  • God skillfully wrought (accomplished with planning, mental and physical effort) all the colors of your internal composition just like a beautiful fabric that is woven together with threads of different colors. The more colors the more intriguing the composition and the more pleasing to the eye. God eyes were pleased in what He made in you. God skillfully wrought all he colors of your outermost composition, too.  This is what your Mommy & Daddy saw the moment you were born and laid on (and in!) Mommy's heart. 
  • A baby starts life inside the mother's body in a mysterious receptacle (a container) called a womb. The womb is where the baby grows and takes shape until it is ready to come into the world. That place is so secret it is like a hidden part of of the earth that cannot be seen. 
  • God makes molecules and cells and puts them together to create, design and fashion every part of a human being. 
Our precious little girl, you are a creation of God, by God and ultimately, for God. There is no one else like you and there never will be.  You are our very special, deeply loved Maisy.
Happy Two-Month Birthday, Maisy!
See you soon ...


  1. I love this! And Maisy is such a beautiful creation of God!

  2. Congratulations Robbie! What a blessing for your family!!
