Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Baby Bunnies

While recently mowing the lawn, Bob spotted a  small 'moving' dirt mound next to the foundation of our house. At first he thought it to be the infamous, Texas fire ants....YIKES! Further investigation revealed a nest of newborn bunnies, seven in all.  Momma Bunny had built her babies a shallow nest of grass and fur. She had the birthing site snuggled on the side of our house in a low-traffic area. It was amazing to see how Momma Bunny had tightly woven grass into clumps that included her own fur, providing insulation and camouflage for her offsprings.  Bob gently moved the soil covering to reveal seven newborn bunnies piled on one another and snuggled in their perceived safe place. 

Upon unearthing the babies, we summoned the children next door. Our sweet neighbor kids were thrilled to see the furry bundles and lovingly checked the grass nest several times a day. They brought tiny gifts of chopped carrots, strawberries, celery and parsley while the newborn bunny-babes were staying in shelter.  Everyone of us was careful not to touch the tiny creatures, knowing that Momma Bunny would immediately identify the human scent and probably reject and abandon any of her children who had been touched. It was a special treat for Bob and I to witness the neighbor children observe, protect and nurture the hare children.  Still, we all knew that one day very soon our bunny babies would go their separate ways and leave the nesting area. They would surely choose to fend for themselves out in our big world.

Last week, the babies abandoned the nest for more room. They were visibly growing and, oddly enough, they continued to stay close to one another despite the relocation of home.  We think they remained dependent on Momma Bunny for primary nourishment and care as the food gifts from the children were disappearing. Maybe Momma who usually appeared at dusk to comfort, feed and check on her little ones, was enjoying the potluck meals! Maybe the growing bunny-babes were consuming solids and preparing to launch!

I snapped the photo used in this blog to document the rapid growth of our little friends. If you look closely, you will see that four of the bunnies have outgrown the original nest and relocated in the grass nearby, yet they still hover close to one another.  A fifth bunny has separated himself, but remains close to the huddle.  The two remaining bunnies of the original seven are long gone. These two escapees have sensed their instinctive call to move out into the wild and take on life, regardless of the unknowns that exist. Today, as I write, the bunny nest is totally empty for everyone is out and about doing the bunny-thing God designed them to do!

Our surprise bunny babies remind me of many of us at this stage of the CoVid-19 pandemic. Communities, states, our nation and world are preparing to return to the new norm of what an active life will be after staying in place.  Some of us are content to stay huddled in our nests with only essential exposure to the outside world. Others are hesitant to leave home, but willing to pursue going out with rigid social distancing.  Then, of course, there are those of us that say "I gotta get out and escape; be out and about on my own. I will deal with whatever reward or peril comes my way."

Most of us would never dare tell another when or how or what to do in the present state of the world. Yet, we all have a decision to make about how we deal with the health issue at hand and our personal activity and function.   The choices are serious for ourselves and others.  We all clearly have a moral, physical  and spiritual responsibility to do our part in healing our land.  Will we stay in or go out? Wear a face mask or not?  Pull on rubber gloves? Stay at least six feet from others in public places? Travel? If so, how far? Seek immediate financial recovery or painfully work through the setbacks of recent weeks?  The list of options goes on and on doesn't it?

While we respect one another's decisions and behaviors today and in the days to come, we can pray in faith for wisdom and remember the promises in God's Word:

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. - James 1:5

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. - Mark 11:24 

In whom we have boldness and access with confidence through our faith in him. - Ephesians 3:12 

Friends, we are not alone - we have a faithful, powerful God who specializes in recovery and new life. We have family, neighbors, friends and each other.  In all the next steps ahead, keep in mind that we can do this and get through this! It make not be easy and it may take time, but healing will come.  We are partnered with the Lord God Almighty to do the right thing in delivering health and wholeness to God's Kingdom on earth. Christ is counting on us and we are counting on Christ! 
Heal Your land, O Lord! Heal Your world! Amen. 

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