Sunday, May 17, 2020

Sunday Prayer

woman in black leather jacket wearing white framed eyeglasses covering her face

 Mighty, Mighty Savior, we enter Your gates  with thanksgiving and your courts with praise for You are good. Your Word reminds us to  trust in You always for You are the eternal rock, our shepherd, the guardian of our souls. When we go through deep waters and great troubles You are with us. In rivers of difficulty, we will not be drown. When we walk through fires of oppression, we are not burned nor consumed. Our God watches over us. Your mercies are everlasting and Your truth endures through all generations. Trials surround us Father – disasters, loss, disease and constant change. You alone are the one surity we have in life. You never change and are the same yesterday, today & forever. Thank You Father and thank You for Jesus who redeems our world  of darkness with His marvelous Light.   Heal our land, Lord God Almighty. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen

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