Thursday, April 23, 2020

Happy One-Month birthday, Maisy!

Happy One Month Birthday, Maisy!! 
Obbie and Pops love you so much. We will be over-the-moon happy when we can be with you.

I have learned to lean heavily on what the Bible says.  These days,  I find my faith in God being anchored deeper all the more as our world is sick and crying out for healing.  I pray we will soon be together, Little One.

Sweet Maisy, when we first learned that you were coming into the world, I began verse-mapping passages from God's Word about conception, birth and children....God's promises about you.  Verse-Mapping is a method of studying the historical context, transliteration, translation, connotation, and theological framework of a verse in the Bible.. It is researching everything one can in a verse to learn more about Who God is, and how He wants to speak to us through His Word.  Over time I have developed my own style of verse-mapping and it has been a reassuring discipline. I continually marvel to see what God inspired men to write so long ago, knowing those ancient words apply to life today. I am especially comforted with His words since your birth as our family strives to be safe and healthy which means we remain apart. While God speaks to all mankind in sacred scriptures, I devote Psalm 139:14 to you, tiny babe being knit together as this is written: 

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  -Psalm 139:14 (NIV)

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous - how well I know it.   - Psalm 139:14 (NLT)                          
I confess Thee, because that with wonders I have been distinguished. Wonderful are Thy works, and my soul is knowing it well.   - Psalm 139:14 (Young's Literal Translation) 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ( July 2019)                                                                                                                                  
I  praise You, thank you, I confess Thee = I thank and confess to God my gratitude for you, Maisy 

I am fearfully and wonderfully made, making me so wonderfully complex, with wonders I have been distinguished = (Heb) with awe and astonishment I am inspired and reverenced that you are distinctly set apart and made with difficulty 

Your works are wonderful,  Your workmanship is marvelous, wonderful are Thy works = (Heb)  God's pursuit of you and the labor He has undertaken to make you is marvelous and wonderful 

I know that full well, how well I know it, my soul is knowing it well =  the marvel of you  has been revealed to my deep, innermost part - my soul. I admit it with mighty force and exceeding perception

                                                      (July 2019, continued)

  • God's wonderful works must overflow to my praise 
  • Fearfully means God's full knowledge of human body workings would probably be so terrifying to me that I would be unable to move 
  • I cannot fully comprehend the magnificence of human design and what little I do know leaves me astounded
  • My praise cannot find adequate words for God's work and master design  in creating humans My honor, love and gratitude translates as my total surrender to His sovereignty. Surrender is  all I have to offer such handiwork. I find surrender to be a daily, often minute-to-minute demonstration of my thanks, praise and belief in Jesus as my Lord and Savior 
  • Humans are distinguished - separated from all other creation, animated and in-animated - humans are wholly distinct.  
  • God made us to be awed by His handiwork and fully convinced of how great and mighty He truly is. Am I convinced? YES! Am I awed? TRULY! Do I praise Him? ABSOLUTELY! 
  • The uniquely rare and curious structure of the human body fills me with complete wonder (wonderful you, our unborn grandchild) and marvel (marvelous you, newly conceived and beloved one) 
  • We don't know nor care if you are male or female, precious child, for you are fully being made in the image of God. You are breathing in the breath of life He blows into your tiny respiratory system and soon you will move, quickened with spiritual life from the Lord Almighty....every bit of you made by the one, true living God. 
Happy One-Month Birthday, Maisy! 
See you soon 


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