Sunday, May 31, 2020

Sunday Prayer

green ceramic mug beside book

Our God, we celebrate Your wonderful deeds for You are our protector. You rescue us and judge the nations. You know every heart and kind. You always do right and see that justice is done. You are wonderful! Thank You for going ahead of us, Lord. Your  Word is ours to claim through Holy Scripture. Your Holy Spirit is our ever present companion continually reminding us that we belong to You in Christ Jesus. Today we commemorate Pentecost, the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Christ's apostles and all those who follow Him. We remember Your Spirit wind, fire and speaking in tongues. Today, we acknowledge Your fresh wind blown into each of us. We yield to ongoing refining, realigning fires kindled in Your people. We claim You for all nations, languages, creeds, races and sects, knowing there is fruitfulness in service and motivation in ministry.  In prevailing prayer we ask for clean hearts and clear consciences for we cannot cling to the sins that nailed Jesus to the cross of Calvary; we cannot live in a state of disobedience and expect to enjoy Your favor. Father, may we totally believe Your guarantee to hear and answer our prayers. Forgive us when we question Your proactive Holy Spirit presence. Let us be intentional about an increasing  prayer time with you. We love you Lord and continue to beg for healing in our land - Your land - and healing around the world -  Your world. Settle the new chaos that has fallen on our country and may justice reign for all people. Thank You for the sure knowledge that healing and recovery is coming and it is by Your Hand. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Mindfulness: Relationships- Part 1

mindfulness printed paper near window

Social distancing.   Who ever thought this term would invade our society - the world!? -  and make such demands? The only time I remember ever hearing that term was briefly in Sociology 101 and never hearing it again until a few weeks ago. Our present social distancing is challenging for God designed us to be in relationship - with Him and with one another.  

Of course, we are thankful for technology - phones, Facetime, Skype, Zoom - whatever keeps us connected to family, friends and others. But, don't you miss the pleasures of being in the presence of other people ? Even the mindless opportunity to stand behind another customer in the grocery checkout lane is done with measuring and precaution.  

Every good and life-giving relationship should be two people who are connected, but separate.  In our most significant relationships, there is a pattern or a dance. This dance is made up of identifiable behaviors that cause relationships to struggle or to thrive. Friends, we must identify our dance – the patterned ways one relates to others – and understand how it impacts ALL our relationships. There really is an essential step for maintaining or moving beyond boundaries with other human beings.  The dance steps are important to every person on the planet.  Dancing alone or with others means to thrive, connect, be responsibile and to be free.

A few years ago there was a hit song by Lee Ann Womack. The lyrics of this song was the theme of the graduation message for one of our sons. The words, whether spoken, read or put to music profoundly spoke to me then and continues to speak to me even more today: I Hope You Dance.  

The dance is beginning. It is a slow dance - calculated  and in cautious phases. We will never take the dance for granted again, will we?  We were made to dance! 

Mindfully, value relationships.  

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Sunday Prayer

person infront of bible book
Sweet Lord of All, we greet You today in faith and thanks for Your mercy & grace.  You are SO good. The work of Your hands is SO good. Heavenly Father, you're always near when we need You.  You never reject us nor fail us.  You always fulfill Your promises. Your Truth is timeless and pertinent. Thank You for the way Your Word applies to everyday living and circumstances. Thank You, praise You, bless You that Houses of Worship are open today.  While we strive to remain obedient to health restrictions and safety guidelines, our hearts are full to again be in the presence of beleiving community.  We are experiencing the Psalmist's joy when he wrote, I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the House of the Lord.  Father God, even when life seems to be crashing in, we have learned not to give in to despair , but to worship You. We have learned to pray and pour out thanks to Our Great God who is in control.  Hear the kind readers now as they yield control of heartfelt concerns.  Hear our prayers......    Jesus, we are learning to leave everything – good and bad  – in Your powerful, capable hands. Please forgive our selfish living that gives little thought to the needs of others. Melt our hearts and break us in our deepest places. Flood us with Your love so we can see and feel about others as You do. Save us from ourselves, Great Redeemer.   Save Your world from the devastation of disease and sickness. Bring us Your healing in a myriad of ways as only You can do, then thrust us into the community to share The Good News of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. We ask this all in Jesus' name, who gave Himself for us and through whom we have the privilege of praying. Amen 

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Happy Two-Month Birthday, Maisy!


 Obbie and Pops love you more with each passing day.  We plan to be with you as soon as it is safe and healthy for you, your Mommy and Daddy and us, too. We can't wait!! FaceTime and Skype are wonderful options to see you, hear you and share how you are growing and changing everyday.  Your Mom and Dad are so generous and good to have family meetings using technology. Still, I just know that our face-to-face time together will cause my heart to explode with pure joy!! So, watch out, it's gonna be messy. 

Maisy, I am sharing more Verse-Mapping with you because it's all about you! These are Bible passages I studied and prayed for you before you were born, Little One. On your two-month birhday, let's map Psalm 139:15. 

My frame was not hidden from you, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth.  (NASB) 

You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. (NLT) 

Nothing about me is hidden from you! I was secretly woven together out of human sight. (CEV

My frame, formed, about me = frame in Hebrew means power, bones and might; skeleton. God knew exactly how your body was being formed, molecule-by-molecule, Miss Maisy. Cells, tissue, bones and connective structures came together to make you and God did all the work to make that happen.

was not hidden from you, You watched me, nothing is hidden from you = (Heb) covered. You were in plain, clear sight of God before you came into the world. When I think that God laid eyes on you before anyone else, it further convinces me of how great, mighty and good He is. We trusted Him to give us exactly the you He wanted us to have. 

in secret, in utter seculsion, secretly woven together = (Heb) sheltered and protected. God protected you from the moment you were conceived. You were safe in His care then and you are safe in His care now. You will always be safe in God's care, Baby Girl. 

skillfully wrought, woven together, secretly woven = (Heb) a verb noting perfection, varigated and mixed colors that are fashioned with skill and care. O Maisy, every part of you was intentionally formed by God's Hand and under His watchful care.  

depths of earth, dark of the womb, out of human sight = a distant space, terms used to heighten the mystery of birth, remote from human sight.  What we could not see, God saw.  What we did not know about you, God knew. 

  • The unique and set apart creation of Adam and Eve is repeated at every birth. My brain can't compute the thousands of years of gazillions of births made by the hand of God - WOW!  
  • God skillfully wrought (accomplished with planning, mental and physical effort) all the colors of your internal composition just like a beautiful fabric that is woven together with threads of different colors. The more colors the more intriguing the composition and the more pleasing to the eye. God eyes were pleased in what He made in you. God skillfully wrought all he colors of your outermost composition, too.  This is what your Mommy & Daddy saw the moment you were born and laid on (and in!) Mommy's heart. 
  • A baby starts life inside the mother's body in a mysterious receptacle (a container) called a womb. The womb is where the baby grows and takes shape until it is ready to come into the world. That place is so secret it is like a hidden part of of the earth that cannot be seen. 
  • God makes molecules and cells and puts them together to create, design and fashion every part of a human being. 
Our precious little girl, you are a creation of God, by God and ultimately, for God. There is no one else like you and there never will be.  You are our very special, deeply loved Maisy.
Happy Two-Month Birthday, Maisy!
See you soon ...

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Mindfulness: Discipline Part 2

mindfulness printed paper near window

One of my favorite authors is Dallas Willard.  I have read and re-read his books and studies over the years and watched his video lectures and addresses in awe.  I appreciate his work and  everything about him.  Dallas Willard makes one think deeply and soulfully.  He is a marvelous teacher and a true man of God. (He also reminds me of my Papa Stoess who had the best-ever hugs, snuggles and loving conversation a little granddaughter could want.) 

Willard writes,  "You don’t drift into discipleship to Jesus. You make a decision. But, you have to have a vision or you cannot make this decision.....Spiritual practices are not an end in themselves, but are meant to connect us to Jesus, teach us wisdom, and eventually help transform our lives.  Combine Willard's platform to another writer who penned, "The alternative to discipline is disaster" and I am convinced. Are you?? Think on these things: 

"Discipline should result in mercy, not misery.  Some saints are awakened by a tap on the shoulder, while others need a 2x4 to the head. And whenever God needs a 2x4, Satan gets a call." - Max Lucado in For Those Tough Times 

"Just because we are enduring a lot of hardship and onslaughts doesn’t mean we are suffering for doing good.  Sometimes we are suffering for sticking our finger in the socket. When we are disobedient, natural consequences result, along with God’s loving hand of discipline. Though these consequences may feel like enemy opposition, they are not the same thing. On the other hand, you may be dead  in the center of God’s will and experiencing great attack. If so, you must renew your confidence in God, even reminding Him of His promises to you and rehearsing the threats coming against you and your work. Take heart that you are on exactly on the right road doing exactly the right thing at exactly the right time."   - Kelly Minter in Nehemiah 
Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, 
he will receive the crown of life that God 
has promised to those who love Him. - James 1:12

"Divine discipline, reproof and correction indicate that we have a relationship with Him.  Make no mistake about it, His discipline has a method and specific design. His goal is to revive so that He can realign."  - Priscilla Shirer 
Lord, teach me your ways, and I will live and obey your truths. 
Help me make worshiping your name the most important thing in my life. 
- Psalm 86:11 ERV

"A strategic mindset is deliberate and premeditated action...  Disciplined preparation involves intense personal scrutiny, including looking at ourselves to determine how our personal characteristics may help or hinder the achievement of our goals." 
                           -  Tim Irwin, Ph.D in Run with the Bulls Without Getting Trampled 
We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. 
Because of the joy awaiting him, He endured the cross, disregarding its shame. 
Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.  Hebrews 12:2

Mindfully, discipline ourselves and count it all joy! 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Miindfulness: Discipline Part 1

mindfulness printed paper near window

 Lately, I am intentionally resisting the urge to never take off my  PJs, to forget balanced meals and just snack all day; to skip wearing any and all makeup and to stare at the computer or TV screen until it is time to go back to bed.  Good habits and disciplines are challenged as staying in shelter seems to create another Groundhog Day. Thank You, God for your beautiful world and Texas sunshine that drives me outdoors to breath in fresh air and appreciate a strong dose of Vitamin D. Thank You, God for a loving, busy pup that lives to run and play outside.                                                                      
 My head is filled with prayers and concerns for our nation and world. Cocooned in our comfortable nest, I am mindful of  the grief, loss and suffering that soars around the globe. The shattered economies,  the unemployed, devastated businesses of all sizes, the hungry ....the list goes on and on.  This pandemic has touched every minute detail of life for all people.  Some of us are feeling helpless to engage in the cause of inching to recovery, wholeness and healing and still remain safe and healthy. 

Is it lack of motivation? Is it complaency about what's happening in the world? Or am I resisting casual behaviors of my natural bend because I have finally learned the value of discipline? Could this be the new condition called 'quarantine fatigue?'  Now retired,  I confess that it took me a long time to recognize how easy it is to to override personal and spiritual disciplines.  I also recognize that it shouldn't be easy nor comfortable to come to a screeching halt in life. I must be mindful of personal disciplines that keep life moving forward -  that keep me and those I love moving forward.

Think on these things......

"No horse gets anywhere until he is harnessed.  No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, disciplined." - Henry Fosdick
In a race, everyone runs but only one person gets first prize...
to win the contest you must deny yourselves many   
things that would keep you from doing your best.  
I Corinthians 9:24-25 TLB

People places and things were never meant to give us life. God alone is the author of a        fulfilling life. 
...I have come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly. - John 10:10 

One hundred years from now it won't matter if you got that big break or finally trade up to a Mercedes...   It will greatly matter one hundred years from now. that you made a commitment to Jesus Christ. 
For what does it profit a man, if he shall gain the 
whole world and lose his own soul?  -Matthew 16:26 KJV

"If you have a pulse, you have a problem."  - Max Lucado 
I have told you this, so that you might have peace in your hearts because of me. 
While you are in the world, you will have to suffer. 
But cheer up! I have defeated the world. - John 16:33 CEV

Mindfully discipline ourselves and count it all joy! 

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Sunday Prayer

woman in black leather jacket wearing white framed eyeglasses covering her face

 Mighty, Mighty Savior, we enter Your gates  with thanksgiving and your courts with praise for You are good. Your Word reminds us to  trust in You always for You are the eternal rock, our shepherd, the guardian of our souls. When we go through deep waters and great troubles You are with us. In rivers of difficulty, we will not be drown. When we walk through fires of oppression, we are not burned nor consumed. Our God watches over us. Your mercies are everlasting and Your truth endures through all generations. Trials surround us Father – disasters, loss, disease and constant change. You alone are the one surity we have in life. You never change and are the same yesterday, today & forever. Thank You Father and thank You for Jesus who redeems our world  of darkness with His marvelous Light.   Heal our land, Lord God Almighty. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Mindfulness: Positive Thinking

Heading into two months of sheltering in place, I must remain intentionally mindful of staying positive about next steps and the outcome of the Covid-19 pandemic. We will get through this, Friends. It won't be easy and it may not be a rapid recovery, but I will prevail and so will you. 
Being intentionally mindful, consider great truths supported by the greatest Truth: God's Word.  

What others see as your 'limitation' today is only a limitation if you think it is. God doesn't see any of us as 'limited.'  God sees us a having unlimited potential.  When we begin to see ourselves the way God sees us, there are no limits to what we can do! 
We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which 
God has prepared in advance for us to do.  
Ephesians 2:10 NIV

Samuel Johnson said, "Clear your mind of can't." 
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." 
Philippians 4:13 KJV

The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places. 
....let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. 
And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,
Hebrews 12:1 NIV

You can't go back and make a brand new start, but you can start toay and make a brand new ending.  
- Walt Criswell 
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive 
us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.  
1 John 1:9 Quest Study Bible 

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. - Leo Tolstoy 
.....unless you change and become like little children 
you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 
Matthew 18:3 NIV 

Learn by experience - preferably other people's. 
All these things happened to them as examples - as object lessons to us - 
to warn us against doing the same things. 
1 Corinthians 10:11 TLB 

In this life when you face less than optimal conditions and situations,  you will either become a criticizer, a traumatizer or a maximizer…the choice is yours.  - Dr. I. V. Hilliard 
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, 
plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, 
that I have set before you, life and death, the 
blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, 
you and your descendents.  - Deuteronomy 30:19 NASB

Mindfully, count it all joy!