Monday, April 18, 2016

Thanks for Spring! Keep God as top priority!

Heavenly Father,

This morning is a great morning! Thank you for the beauty of Spring and the renewed spirit that bolsters us to get moving - to get busy tidying up after winter, to brighten up and refresh and renew.  I love the new perspective of Springtime and the spirit of perseverance that is reborn in us. 
Lord God, Holy Spirit, pour into our children a double portion of perseverance. As Chip and Rebecca are engaged in intense job searches, Marc is soaking up major data everyday in his new work and Alyssa is sorting out her career path, I pray for all of us to have Your powerful motivation to hang on and be faithful.  It is easy to fold and redirect when we don't get what we want or what we think we need and deserve. We often give up too easily and too soon. We quit praying and forget Your promises before the miracle happens.  Father, prayer is about being consistent and waiting for You to make things happen.  I pray that Bob nor I nor our children will forfeit a miracle that You have planned for any of us.  That would deny You Glory and provide a detour from the plans that You already determined for us, individually and as a family. It could possibly provide the means for the evil one to edge into our lives and alter Your plans.  That's what the evil one does, especially in a moment of vulnerability or when are bent on having our own way. Pride is Satan's greatest tool.
Because You are good and merciful, full of grace and everlasting kindness, I thank You in advance for the outcomes that are in the making.  May we all be thankful NOW for what is to come. Praise is primary. Praise goes before because You go before us, Lord.  Praise goes before problem and praise goes before an answer is revealed.
Lord, forgive us for impatience.  Forgive us for not waiting on You. When it appears You are not answering our prayers right away, we often try to answer them for You. We manipulate or deny what is unfolding. Even when we know You are omniscient,  we think we know more.  Sometimes facts are right before us and we turn a blind eye to truth You have revealed. It's pretty funny, Lord....often we think we are in control. We get overanxious and go into overdrive to take charge to make things happen. All along we shouldn't seek immediate answers as much as we should seek You. We should be praying, praying scripture and prayer journaling; gathering data and soliciting trust prayer partners to stand in the gap for us.  We should be praying individually and together. I think of Daniel and how three times a day he checked in with You to keep communication and direction open. Daniel waited for the miracle and while he waited, he prayed and went about a life of obedience.   I love what Batterson writes, Make sure you pray like everything depends on God. Prayer is the alpha and omega of planning.  Don't just brainstorm - PRAYSTORM! 
Top of mind is that You are infinitely - INFINITELY - bigger than our biggest challenge, our biggest problem, our biggest dream.  Bless You Lord that You are bigger than our greatest sin and our greatest weakness.  Nothing is bigger than our God.  Lord, one man said that a low view of You is the cause of a hundred lesser evils, but a high view of You is the solution to ten thousand temporal problems. May we all keep growing closer and closer to You in our prayer life, Father. May we all be intentional about growing spiritually; to keep stretching and going after dreams that are bigger than we are. I pray that we will not close our minds to options and ideas without first filtering every idea through a candid conversation(s) with You. Bless You, Lord that in Your amazing power to carry on, You provide strength to discern and walk through any challenge.  Thank You for taking responsibility off our shoulders and carrying us to Divine destinations.  We love you, Lord and pray all this in the powerful, all-knowing and healing name of Jesus, Amen. 

Always and forever ~​

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