Thursday, April 21, 2016

Pray "Lord, Complicate Our Lives!"

Heavenly Father,

Admittedly, we feel closest to You when our prayer life is active and healthy.  Thank You for the ability to communicate with You all made possible through Jesus Christ and the Cross. It's interest that we strive to keep our bodies, the dwelling place of Your Holy Spirit, in good condition.  Yet, Your Spirit is released to be more fruitfully evident when we maintain persistent conversation with You.  I pray that my children will learn to pray hard and to pray through life. When we pray through, You never fail to come through as our wills align. 
Lord, thank You for honoring prayers of desperation equally to prayers that just check-in with You.  May we never question that You are always listening and at work for our good. May our prayers be sincere, but bold; audacious and acceptable; tenacious and truth-filled.  Most importantly, may our prayers be a lifeline to You, our source of strength and a sure refuge.  Thank You that prayer habits are to be cultivated and practiced.  The bigger the prayers, the bigger we dream and the harder we are to pray.
Forgive us for giving up praying to You when we cannot see tangible differences in our lives. Forgive us for allowing our circumstances to get between You and each of us when we should be putting You between us and our circumstances.  We are slow learners, Father.  When will we 'get it' that prayer is a no-lose proposition and no-lose means win-win! Prayer is a sure fire win-win; everything to gain and nothing to lose.  As Chip and Rebecca continue in job searches and Marc and Alyssa are settling into new positions, I pray they will pray hard and pray through to You.  The more opposition and challenges they face, may they prayer harder and know that You often wait until the very last moment to answer.  Could it be that You already know when we will quit bringing a certain issue to You?  Do You have full knowledge of when we will chicken out or resort to self-sufficiency by force fitting our own way? Yes and Yes! You are God and You know us completely!
Help us to grasp that really knowing You and Your heart, Father, is not independence. The goal is to be codependent on You.  It's the only codependent relationship we should allow! Our desire for self-sufficiency is a subtle expression of our sinful nature. Pride creeps in when, too - wanting what we want and when we want it.  All of us wrestle with a desire to get to a place where we don't need God, don't need faith and don't need to pray.  I pray we will each move through that wrestling season quickly. Forgive us for immaturely wanting  You to provide more so we need You less.  Truth is, our greatest need is to know more of You and all other needs come into healthy perspective through our defined relationship. 
Lord, keep putting us in situations to stretch our faith.  As our faith stretches, I pray our dreams will stretch, too.  Bigger and bigger dreams will move us closer to You and awaken us further to a personal need for Christ. I have come to realize that Your blessings can complicate life.  It is true! I think about health, education, marriage, careers, family, relationships, building a home, children....on and on....all blessings that complicate.  May we never cease to recognize our need for You. May we trust You enough to pray, "Lord complicate our lives". Because all things are possible with You, we can pray about complications and wait patiently to see Your Glory revealed in growth, nearness and blessing.  Only the one, true, living God could accomplish such miracles and You do it all in love.  Amazing!  In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen 

Do you agree, Family? Do blessings complicate? He trusts us enough to make life complicated and in Him, all things come together.  Beautiful mystery, don't you think?!??

We are so blessed​!!   Always and forever ~

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