Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Pray that God is in All We Do

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Springtime! The green - the budding and blooming  - the chilly mornings and evidence that renewed life is all around us. Renewal is what You are all about. Thank You - You provided Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary so that we may have guaranteed New Life NOW and throughout Eternity.  It is more than the human mind can well-planned from the moment You said 'Let there be light' to this moment and forever - FOREVER! Then knowing that Your Master Plan for the universe includes every individual who calls you Lord & Savior is astounding and, again, more than we can grasp.  We can only say thank You, praise You and bless You, Lord.
As my precious children each work through Your plan, I pray they seek Your Will in every endeavor.  That sounds overwhelming, Lord, but it is freeing and comfortable to know that knowing You and living by Your precepts removes all doubt and fear of making wrong choices. In You, every option is an option.  Living for You means every move, every choice and every oppoortunity is of You, by You and for You.  You, alone, can work all things for our good when we are called according to Your purpose. Again, too much to understand, but all possible through our mighty Savior and the supernatural power given to us in the Holy Spirit.  
Batterson's words resound to me as I pray them for Bob, Chip and Rebecca, Marc and Alyssa.  May we all :
Do the best we can with what we have and where we are.   Success is not circumstantial.  Lord, Your primary concern is who we are becoming. When we pray, "Your Will be done," it's not about being in the right place or making the connection.  It is about being : being available - being the right person right now - being still to seize Your ordained moments of each day - being in the here and now vs. wishing or dreaming about the then and there or about the what ifs, wouldas, couldas, shouldas. Reality is the NOW.
Help us maximize our God-given potential.  Potential and purpose is why You made us, God.   Potential and purpose brings You Glory and doesn't point to any individual but to You!  Father, may all of us grow into our God-given giftedness and not force fit life into what we imagine or think we know about ourselves.  There is no way we can preplan what You have in store for us,Lord.  It is almost laughable to think we can orchestrate Your Master Plan when we are not The Master! Our purpose, our task, our calling, our obedience to align with You! 
Be most respected by the people who know us best.  May we treat each other well, Lord. We have learned over and over that when the dust settles from a life changing event or a crisis, in carefree and comfortable times; in suffering and sorrow; in celebration and good times, the last ones standing near us are family - faithful, devoted and true. Family, by Your standards, is to love unconditionally, sacrifice and live and speak truth in love; always looking forward to being together.  We are blessed to have one another and I know that this family doesn't give up but prays through any and all circumstances. Family that claims You as the core member, perseveres and consistently waits for miracles to happen.  Family prays big and dreams big for each other.  Family takes risks and knows that we have each other's backs because not taking the risk would mean forfeiting a miracle and denying You Glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen  
Dear Ones, enjoy today and give it your all! Expect something to happen and I pray you are open to opportunities, no matter how great or how small. 
Always and forever ~

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