Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Pray Boldly, Honestly, and Intentionally

Heavenly Father,

On this Sunday after Easter we claim victory over the grave through Jesus' resurrection. We claim His victory to be more than an Easter experience but a daily worship experience, a moment-by-moment prayer experience,  because our Savior lives!  We are bound together as His Body of believers who love our undying Savior with an undying love. It is Your undying love that leads us to love completely and sacrificially. Thank You, Lord.
Lord, You know that I am working on further development of my own prayer life.  As all my prayers - yes, ALL! - include my children and Bob, Mom's Prayers are naturally going to  focus on the spiritual discipline of prayer.  Thank You, Lord, for fresh perspectives from Mark Batterson. I am humbled to share them with our family.
I pray that all our family will pray boldly. Bold prayers honor God and God honors bold prayers. God isn't offended by our biggest dreams or boldest prayers. He is offended by anything less. If our prayers are not impossible for us, they are insulting to You. Why? Because then our prayers don't require Your Divine Intervention.  

​I pray that all our family will pray Your promises.  There is nothing You love more than keeping promises, answering prayers, and fulfilling dreams. That is who You are and what You do! May we remain diligent about knowing Your Word, being in worship and Christian community and allowing the power of the Holy Spirit to reign in each of us. I pray we will get over ourselves and get out of Your way so You can direct us, answer prayers and allow us to see Your greater good.
I pray that all our family will want to strengthen their prayer lives.  Who we become is determined by HOW we pray. Ultimately, the transcript of our prayers becomes the transcript of our lives. ​Thank You that it is never too late to start praying.  Forgive us for seasons that wax and wane, then flourish in inconsistency with the gift of prayer.
​I pray that all our family will learn to be honest in prayers. The greatest tragedy in life is the prayer that goes unanswered because it goes unasked when You are God and know every desire and intention in our hearts and minds.  It is absolutely foolish to think that You don't know our secret plan, agenda or mission when You have designed us with Your purpose and Your plan and Your mission....what is absolutely best suited for us and our heart's ultimate fulfillment.  May we yield to Your Will through our prayer life, Lord God. We pray out of ignorance, but You answer out of omniscience. We pray out of our impotence, but You answer out of Your omnipotence. You have the ability to answer the prayer we should have prayed but lacked the knowledge or ability to even ask.
Jesus, in Your Word, You asked "What do you want me to do for you?" May we pray in God-glorifying life goals, seeking Your face and yielding our wills to Your Will. You cannot answer vague prayers and the more faith we have, the more specific our prayers will be.  The more specific our prayers are, the more You receive.  It's all about You, Lord!!!  In Jesus' Name, Amen 
Family, let's pray! Now & forever ~

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