Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Prayer for Sanctification - Morph us!

Heavenly Father,

    How wonderful to know you are always listening, Lord. You are great not because nothing is too big for You.  You are great because nothing is too small for You. I know that Your compassion and caring is poured out on us throughout our days, and especially when we obey Your promptings.  It is a powerful thought to know that everyday when we open our eyes, we could find ourselves in the middle a miracle. The more we look and listen, the more we can act upon prayers because we expect an answer. We should be on the lookout for a miracle.  It's not just God moments, albeit they are significant.  It is life-changing, life-defining incidents that could only be by the hand of our mighty, saving God.   
     You know we are all dealing with significant changes, Lord. Rebecca is finishing her graduation work and already engaged in a job search.  Chip is job searching, too and already interviewing. (Thy Will be done in this week's interview!!) Marc and Alyssa are both in new positions and learning everyday.  We have come to know that change is hard, but change is good. Becoming too comfortable brings complacency and with complacency, often lax behavior and a sense of entitlement.  Father, I pray that none of us will ever take Your provision, protection and love for granted.  Spare us from ever behaving as if we are entitled.  It is only through what Christ did on the Cross for all mankind, that we can move and breath and have being; much less, authentic happiness.  Holy Spirit, keep us alert and live to Your promptings.  Some days, Spirit, nudge us into sharper alertness and focus us on being Christ-like.
    It isn't easy to use the word 'holy', but that is what we are to strive for: holiness. Christ was holy, so Christ-likeness means holiness.   Holiness is what happens when people become intensely serious about learning from Jesus how to arrange life. It happens any time we set our focus on learning to live as Jesus would live if He were in our place. The really big, complicated word for this way of life is sanctification.  It's not as scary as it sounds, is it?  Sanctification is simply accepting Christ's invitation to live life His way because it truly provides a life that is rich, balanced life that is in sync with You.
   I like how one of my favorite authors describes how possible it is for any man, woman or child to live in the presence and under Your power.  He says that life in Christ is 'not about getting into heaven when we die. It is about the glorious redemption of human life that is NOW.   It's about each of our lives and living for You and it's about ever awareness of morphing time!'  Morph us to be more like You, Lord -on everyday and in every way.  Morph us!  In Jesus' Name, I pray, Amen
We are all on the brink of big changes so get ready, my lovelies!  It's morphin' time and it's good!
Always and forever ~

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