Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Priorities; Accentuate the Positive

Heavenly Father,

It is a time of praise and thanksgiving for another year of life for Rebecca.  Bless her in unique and rich ways that she cannot dream or imagine.  Strengthen her faith and walk with You, Lord God, so that she lives abundantly.

Today, I pray that my children will live in such a way as to avoid burnout.   I have been re-reading the book of Jeremiah who suffered by losing himself to a project given to him by God.  Jeremiah allowed himself to come to the point of tears and depression. This weeping prophet is a man after my own heart for I am such a weeper!! God called Jeremiah to be a leader and messenger to His people. Called, strong, passionate leaders can be a mixture of incredible giftedness and weaknesses.  All of us must be keenly aware to overdoing, overloading, over-scheduling and overcommitment: the sin of over-ness!  We can learn much from Jeremiah - his good and his not so good traits.   May my children be like Jeremiah and never quit, even when life gets tough.  May they be publicly strong and faithful; facing  fears, doubts and loneliness in private and safe places. May they remain focused, establishing specific 'runaway-getaway' rituals that keep them mentally and physically alert and stimulated. O God, it has taken many years for me to learn to decline (even dismiss!) unhealthy outside influences, including the expectations, opinions and criticisms of others.

Staying true to You and to Your Word maintains sure-footing in one's strengths and provides a whole new meaning to loving & serving You.  You are always #1 to please.  May we maintain priorities: You, spouses, family and then, friends.  In rightful order, next comes work/school, pleasures and all else that complies life itself.  May these dear loved ones avoid being caught up in the agony of going "over" in any and all of these areas; keeping the main thing the main thing!  In Jesus' name, Amen

Matthew 6:33 Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

Jeremiah 15:19  If you return, I will restore you; you will stand in My presence. 

Isaiah 57:18-19  I have seen their ways, but I will heal them; I will guide them and restore comfort to Israel’s mourners, 19 creating praise on their lips. Peace, peace, to those far and near,” says the Lord. “And I will heal them.”

James 5:19-20  19 My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, 20 remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.

Battle burnout by addressing current stresses and pursuing the opportunities, abilities and passions that used to energize you.  - Tom Harper, Leading from the Lion's Den

Burnout is a prolonged response to chronic emotional and interpersonal stressors. It is defined by a confluence of exhaustion, cynicism and inefficacy. I would build rituals into my weekly and monthly calendar doing things I enjoy....We must learn to fence off certain parts of life, to protect those chunks of time and to decide for yourself how you are going to use them. - Christina Maslach in The Truth About Burnout

There are three things we must learn to let go of it we want greater healing and maturity in our lives: unrealistic expectations, negative emotions and lies. - Allison Bottke

So, Dear Ones, accentuate the positive; eliminate the negative and live, Beautiful Children!  Forever and always ~

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