Thursday, December 10, 2015

Guarding from Temptation

Heavenly Father,

Guard and guide my children from temptation. May they recognize harmful situations, acts and behaviors with discernment and strong character.  They are set apart, Lord - by You and by those who love them. I confess that I sometimes cave into temptations that separate me from You and it's a painful process to return to a right, healthy relationship with You . Forgive us for thinking we have control of appetites or that we are strong enough to resist the work of the evil one.  From the Garden of Eden-to the temptations of Christ in the wilderness- to me, Satan uses "the lust of the flesh - the lust of life and the pride of life" to snare us into corruption.  Holy Spirit, guard us; guide us and strengthen us to turn away from anything that displeases God or separates us from His company and the power He places in us.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.    

The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.  - (1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT)

Beginning with temptation, Jesus showed a reluctance to bend the rules on earth.
​- Phillip Yancey

A man traveled extensively on business and had been dealing with a weakness for pornography, going back a number of years. Sadly, hundreds of modern hotels and motels now offer x-rated tv channels, rental movies and video machines that will also play anything the user might bring along. More than once this man had been tempted; more than once he’d given in.  What made his situation more difficult was the loneliness of the road. Every night a new hotel; every night a new room; every night a new temptation; every night he was alone. Finally he asked the Lord to give him the strength to wipe out an addiction that he had tried repeatedly to stare to death but never could. The Lord helped him, but not in the way he expected. The man felt very clearly that rather than removing his weakness, God sent a verse in Genesis 4:7 “But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.” We know that Cain lost his battle with sin in a big way, but this man did not. From that day forward, whenever he arrived at a new hotel he immediately called the front desk and asked them to remove his tv set and all ads for movie rentals and TV channels. Demanded would have be a better word, for this is really what he did. Many times they thought he was crazy; more than once they told him to just ignore it if he didn’t want to use it. However, he insisted and each time he got his way. Eventually he even learned how to specify his requirements in advance and after a time, like a waiter who serves you the same sandwich 5x a week, the places he frequented became proactive themselves and began asking if he wanted his unusual accommodations. With great determination and taking charge, physically changing his environment, substituting healthful activities the man gradually lost the recurring urge to give in to Satan’s temptations. After all said the man, who but he himself had the right to determine what would appear before his eyes, on his own time and in his own room?? – Charles Stanley Walking Wisely
Temptation lies around every corner, waiting to consume us, Dear Ones. I pray for your discernment and the strength to say, "No!" and laugh in the face of what an ensnare you. I pray the same for me, too :)          
Always and Forever ~

Monday, November 16, 2015

Prayer for Togetherness

Heavenly Father,

In Jesus' name, I thank You for being our shelter. It is clearly an individual's choice to dwell in the secret place with You.  Really, who could say no to be stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty, whose power no foe can withstand?! 
Today, I am moved to the power of the written word in declaring you our refuge and fortress.  In You, no evil can befall - nothing overtake us - no plague or calamity come near.  Thank You for Your angels who have special charge over us. Lord,  I pray for those who grieving and suffering in France and around the world due to senseless acts of terrorism.  It times of tragedy and as humans clamor to seize power of others, it's a privilege to claim the blood of Jesus Christ that protects all who claim Him as Lord and King.  You are faithful to defend, protect, guide and guard Your own.
As Bob and I prepare to travel to Dallas, Chip to travel home to Louisville, then Marc, Alyssa and Rebecca all in transit,  I ask Your provision and blessing throughout each, respective, journey.  As we travel, may we  fix our eyes firmly on You so we are kept in perfect peace. When we take to the skies or on the roadways, Holy Spirit remind us that You walk on the wings of the wind. You pilot our ways, even through humans that are trained and alert. 
As we sleep may we rest in the comfort of Your sustaining care. You, alone, make us dwell in safety. You give us comfort, calm and ease. Jesus, You are our provision, Father and You will keep our little family safe. You are faithful in every way, especially as we move about in short or long travels, we remain under Your watchful, caring eye. Thank You for taking care of us.   In Jesus' Name, Amen
 Jeremiah 1:12 The Lord said to me, “You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.”
​Psalm 91:1-2 
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
​ ​
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
​ ​
my God, in whom I trust.”
​Psalm 91" 11-13  ​
If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”
​ ​
and you make the Most High your dwelling,
​ ​
no harm will overtake you,
​ ​
no disaster will come near your tent.
​ ​
For he will command his angels concerning you
​ ​
to guard you in all your ways;
​Psalm 34:7 ​
The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,
​ ​
and he delivers them.
God desires to protect us from all things that are evil – from substances that harm us, from situations that are dangerous, from environments that are deadly, from circumstances that can destroy us. God’s wisdom leads us as far away from evil as possible. – Charles Stanley Walk Wisely

When actor James “Jimmy” Stewart left Hollywood to become an Air Force pilot after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, his father gave him a copy of Psalm 91 to carry with him as he flew bombing missions. According to the Jimmy Stewart Museum, the actor​ said, ‘What a promise for an airman. I placed in His hands the squadron I would be leading. And, as the psalmist promised, I felt myself borne up.” Stewart was referring to Psalm 91:12:  “In their hands (the angels) shall bear you up”

Satan loves to blow up our fears into crisis-sized proportions so we are afraid that not even God is big enough to rescue us. – David Jeremiah

Let’s change our FEAR KNOTS into FEAR NOTS! – David Jeremiah

​We are all excited about being together soon.  It is a repeated topic of conversation for Dad and I. ​ I love a quote by Simone Weil, "To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least recognized need of the human soul." Family is forever.......and always ~  

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Prayer of Thanks, Servant Leadership

Thank You for being so good to our little family. Thank You that Rebecca is recovering from a nasty virus.  We rest in the fact that You are Jehovah Rapha - the God who heals - the God who restores.  We pray for Rebecca's knee to recover, too.  Grant her patience to allow a full recovery from injury. Thank You for Rebecca's fortitude and perseverance.    
Thank You for continuing to heal and restore Chip.  Reconnect, renew and restore the internal messaging system in Chip's body. Strengthen his limbs and internal structures in ways that only You can accomplish, Lord. We ask for specific strengthening of his left leg and foot as we remain amazed at the work You have already performed in him. We know His recovery is a long, arduous journey, but You wired Chip to be a man of faith, perseverance and fortitude. Chip is a living demonstration of Your Glory: making Yourself evident to us and the world. Thank You, Lord God.  May our family be a testimony of Your goodness and unity. I praise You for Marc's gifts of encouraging and truth-telling: authenticity.  Thank You for Alyssa's ongoing support, sincerity and humility.  All precious children in my sight, Bob's sight, but most importantly, in Your sight, Father.  Guide, guard and direct our children.
Lord, You have blessed us with all good things and never leave us without support. Stir each of us up to freely give.  You have called us to lead and have the mind of Christ; to do unto others as we would have them do unto us. It is a privilege to help others wherever and whenever we can. It is a gift from You to speak Life and strengthen and build up others in every way. 
Equip our children. Equip Bob and me, too. May we all walk in Your wisdom and spill out Your love, even to those who oppose us. May our goals be to be kind and do good.  May our gifts of service and leadership begin in serving and leading one another.  Praise You, Lord, for the gift of the Holy Spirit to accomplish all that You call us to be. Even if our fleshly selves do not have a natural bent to serve or lead may the  Fruit of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control - reign in each of us for the life You promised - abundant life!  All things are possible with You!  In Jesus' Name, Amen
Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit  - 1 Corinthians 14:1
Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature[a]God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature[b] of a servant, being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— 
even death on a cross!  - Philippinans 2:1-8
We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up. For even Christ did not please himself but, as it is written: “The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.  - Romans 15:1-3;  

May the God who gives endurance and encourage-ment give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  -   7 Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.  -Romans 15:5-7 

The first step to leadership is servanthood - John Maxwell
The entire world is full of service to God, not only the churches but also the home, the kitchen, the cellar, the workshop and the field of the townsfolk and farmers – Martin Luther 
Nothing builds community like selfless service together. – Christian Community by Rob Suggs
Having A Mary Heart in a Martha World, Joanna Weaver    Service without spirituality is exhausting and hopeless. But in the same respect, spirituality without service is barren and selfish. We need to unite the two and do it all as unto the Lord….we are to be like Jesus:
Jesus ministered as he went on His way.
 Jesus ministered as He went out of His way.
 Jesus ministered in all kinds of ways.

Insourcing by Randy Pope
You can tell more about a leader’s character by how he responds to NO than by how he responds to YES….One of the most important characteristics required of biblical leaders is humility.
Logic is the art of going in the wrong direction with confidence.
Authentic leaders:
1. Study the Word, pray and live a missional life
2 Have a strong, consistent personal worship habit
3 Have a humble, teachable spirit
4 Leads his family well, including consistent family worship and devotional time
5 Are available; exhibiting commitment to give time, money and energy that others may know the Lord better
6 Has depth in the areas of knowledge, skills, character and vision
7 Knows that wisdom is more important than knowledge
8 Undergoes training and experiences group dynamics to lead
9 Demonstrates willingness to be vulnerable
10 Is accountable to others
11  Knows where he is leading others, is clear about purpose

Sweet family, Servant Leadership is the goal. Servant leadership was proven over two thousand years ago and remains the most effective strategy of bringing people together for phenomenal outcomes.  If each of us has not learned how to be a servant leader, the time is NOW!  Let's pray for each other to become perfected servant leaders. Then, buckle up for the impossible achieved in being partners with Jesus Christ.
Forever and always ~

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Prayer through Journaling

Heavenly Father,
May my children learn the power of prayer.  Speaking and praying affirmative prayers is a primary spiritual tool that exposes emotions and enables us to bring unproductive thoughts into obedience to Scripture.  Lord, we know  the holistic benefits of journaling. I remember the RIC counselor who said, "You cannot be my patient unless you journal."  That was truly convicting!! 
I pray my children will learn the advantages of prayer journaling.  Even when we wax-&-wane with our personal disciplines, we can begin again and again to create healthy habits that draw us closer to You. The positive outcome of reminding ourselves of Your promises is astounding: comfort, power, surety and Truth in Your written Word through penning our thoughts and words. Scribing our deepest expressions are vital to success and changes for good.  We can truly expect a change of heart, attitude and emotional climate when we pour ourselves into written word.  Move us all to pen prayers for self awareness.  Help us gather and sort information in our prayer time and look for solutions/answers to perplexing situations.  Illuminate us, Lord....give us those coveted Ah-Ha! moments  - in intellectual, spiritual revelation that can only come from You.  Thank You, Loving Father, that we can count on You through the power of prayer and forgive us when we minimize this precious gift of divine communication. We can write and utilize the power of The Word, just as You did, Father God!  You made a way for us as You always do.  Make all of us better pray-ers, especially when we make records of our time with You!   In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. - Romans 12:2
 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:6-7
Nothing so conclusively proves a man's ability to lead others as what he does from day to day to lead himself - Thomas J. Watson, Founder, IBM
There are three kinds of people – a business associate you don’t really like, a friend you enjoy doing things with and someone you are in love with and who is in love with you. Your conversations with the business associate will be quite goal oriented. You won’t be interested in chitchat. With your friend you may open your heart about some of the problems you are having. But with your lover, you will sense a strong impulse to speak about what you find beautiful about him or her. Three kinds of discourse are analogous to forms of prayer that have been called PETITION – CONFESSION – ADORATION. The deeper the love relationship, the more the conversation heads toward the personal and toward affirmation and praise. - Tim Keller’s The Prodigal God
 Don’t measure the size of the mountain, talk to the one who can move it. Instead of carrying the world on your shoulders, talk to the One who holds the universe on His. Hope is a look away. - Traveling Light, Max Lucado
Sweet Children, whether you have whisper prayers, long and protracted quiet sessions with God, bullet prayers fired into the heavens or neon prayers that flash in seconds while you move on, please remember to pray. Never devalue this precious gift from God.  There are times and circumstances in which God cannot and will not move until we share with Him through our prayers. Pray on ~  
Forever and always ~

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Align your will with God's

Heavenly Father,

I am constantly reminded of Your gift to us in the mighty weapon of prayer, individually and as The Body of Christ. Lord, together, Bob and I pray for each of these dear ones everyday.  We pray for them in our private quiet times, too and throughout our waking hours. If Jesus asked three of His best friends to pray for Him, how much more do we need others to pray for and with us?
Thank You, Lord, that we can boldly come to you as we seek to pray according to Your Will. Thank You, Lord, for always hearing us and for answers that go above and beyond our requests. Thank You for answers that guard and protect us.  What a beautiful reassurance to meet You anytime or anyplace knowing that we are welcome in Your presence. There is a powerful confidence in that You always hear us when we live and walk in Truth. 
Praise You that our prayers linger with You; never being dismissed or forgotten, even after they are answered.  We are learning that Your answers may not come when we want.   It is enough that You hear and will respond in Your perfect timing. May we never fail to recognize the great "I Am" through worship, adoration and trust in the power of our prayers.  May we all commit ourselves to praying for each other and for others, knowing it's spiritually healthy to ask they to pray for us, too.  All good, Lord!   In Jesus' Name, Amen
Psalm 1:1-3 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers, 
 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.   That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—  whatever they do prospers.
 Ephesians 6:18-19 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. 19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel
John 14:25-26  “All this I have spoken while still with you. 26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name,will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has."  - Margaret Mead
"As long as we have unsolved problems, unfilled desires and a mustard seed of faith, we have all we need for a vibrant prayer life."  - John Ortberg
"When the problem is worry, the prescription is prayer."   Dr. David Jeremiah
"There are two kinds of people: those who say to God 'Thy Will be done' and those to whom God says, 'All right then, have it your way.' " -C. S Lewis
Loved ones, we have seen the power of prayer over and over.  Never doubt that God is waiting for you for come to Him with your praises, needs and to supply what is lacking.  Align your will with His Will and wonders will never cease.  

Always and Forever ~

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Prayer for Moving Forward

Heavenly Father,

It's Chip and Rebecca's second wedding anniversary! The weather today in Prospect Kentucky is so much like their wedding day - beyond autumn cool with  sign of becoming colder - sun peeping in&out of the clouds - late autumn breezes that snap one's mind and body to attention.  Two years ago, close to this hour of the day, Chip and Rebecca made their promises to one another in the sanctuary of Your creation, under their wedding tree and before You and family and closest friends. Two years ago, Lord, and so much has happened in that time.  Only You could have orchestrated so much in their lives and only You have the power to keep them moving forward... to keep us all moving forward into Your perfect Will.  Thank You, in advance for going before us. May we all trust You more with each passing day.  Praise You, Lord for being FOR us; not against us.  
Father, I pray You will keep us all moving forward in faith.  Even in painful circumstances, we have come to expect growth. In fact, it is often in the most difficult times that we most feel Your presence in our lives and understand we are maturing/developing in our spiritual walk with You.  It is a beautiful irony that in suffering we are capable of deeper faith and greater dependence on You.  Thank You, Lord for using every opportunity to reveal Yourself to us and especially in times of trial and temptation.  Bless our precious children and may they continue to stretch and grow into champions of faith.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Ephesians 4:15    but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ       
Colossians 1:10     so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God
1 Peter 2:2
​    L
ike newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation,
Only growth that is rooted in spiritual reality will last. Only authentic spiritual growth leads to peace and serenity.
 - When You Love Too Much by Dr. Stephen Arterburn

Growth in knowledge is indispensable to growth in holiness. There is no higher knowledge than the knowledge of God Himself.
 - Ephesians by John Stott

James: Real Faith for the Real World by Tim Stafford
It takes time for God to teach us how to be mature people.
​" ​

​Beautiful loved ones, we aren't babies anymore. Our bodies are all grown up, yet may we never stop growing in the Lord!  
Chip and Rebecca, never stop growing closer toward God and you will never stop growing  closer to one together.... it's His beautiful promise!   Happy anniversary!  

Always and forever ​

Prayer for Accountability

Heavenly Father,

I confess to You that today was not easy. The tension between Bob and me is rising. It is time for a 'corporate meeting'.... a meeting of the minds and clearing of the air.  It is time to be accountable and to deal with shortcomings in loving confrontation. Lord, we are married for 42 1/2 years and the healthy, often painful (!) practice of being accountable to one another never comes with comfort and ease. I admit to often being a slow learner!! I thank You, Holy Spirit, that over the years we've both learned that being truthful; dealing with hurts and being hurtful can move us forward in our relationship with You and with each other. Loving accountability is crucial to our continued relational health, happiness and continued growth. 
Today I pray that my children will learn the art and freedom in being accountable.  We were not created to be alone, but in relationship and in community.  Only hermits are not accountable and even they must abide by the Law of the Land - being accountable for actions and behaviors.  Your Word teaches us that a soft, indulgent love without reproof overcomes selfish, narcissistic love of self.  Both Your Old and New Covenants contain reproof so we can live in harmony with each other.  We are certainly accountable to You, Lord. Otherwise, Your Word, Jesus' life on earth and His act of love on the Cross of Calvary means nothing.  Accountability is a demonstration of strength and power.  It is an act of true love.
Holy Spirit, teach all of us to address key issues in life with truth and acceptance. I pray for all of us to have a willingness to understand and to be considerate,  even if it means change.   Help us all to think of the other person or persons involved in our decision making. Lord. Even when we are rushed and weary; overwhelmed with all there is to do,  may we have Your grace and wisdom to address rights-&-wrongs in our actions and behaviors. Give us the courage of take responsibility for ourselves, to listen first; not defend, argue, put-off  or ignore.  May we learn to look through one another's eyes with an empathy and love that can only come from You.  Convict us, Lord God, of when to speak and when to be silent. Teach us when to let our 'yes' be 'yes' and our 'no' be 'no' and when to reconsider what is defined as an unreasonable stance. O God, life is all about living like You! That's our primary goal: to move forward in this life striving to be more like You. May Bob and I and our children remember that we are accountable to one another.  In Jesus' Name I ask for forgiveness for being blind to or having overlooked any hurt I have initiated.  Lord God, convict us all in any areas where we have allowed laziness, fear or anxious  indifference to overpower our love for one another. In Jesus' Name, I pray, Amen.  
All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.
2 Timothy 3:16
(Jesus said) All you need to say is simply 'Yes' or 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.  - Matthew 5:37 
Galatians 6:1-5   Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that you too will not be tempted.        
James 5:16  Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.        
Luke 17:3    "Be on your guard! If your brother sins, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him"
 Ephesians 4:15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.

Accountable Discipleship: Living in God’s Household  by Steven W. Manskar
  • Accountability helps keep those willing to engage in it moving forward with Christ.
·        Accountability is how we make sure our discipleship happens. The primary task of covenant discipleship is to give disciples the means to prevent and resist the temptation of self deception.
We never outgrow the need for personal accountability because past successes are no guarantee of future faithfulness.We constantly underestimate the power of our own sinful passions. We constantly overestimate our ability to handle temptation. We naively believe our struggles and temptations are unique when there is no such thing as a private sin
General Norman Schwarzkopf, the commander of operations for Desert Shield and Desert Storm in the early 1990s, exercised this simple premise of authority: A leader never walks by a mistake. "Reproof" means pointing out a wrong, bringing someone to a place where he or she can admit what he or she has done. And there's nearly always an element of pain involved in doing that. - Dennis Rainey
"One thought driven home is better than three left on base."   - James Litter
Boy, that was a lot, wasn't it??!  You can tell the our corporate meeting won't be brief. Still, I have total faith we will navigate through truths and be better having shared, heart-to-heart.  Take it from your old Momma: Keep life less complicated by being true to God, to yourself  and to others (and in that order!)  
Love you always and forever ~

Friday, October 23, 2015

Replace Pride with Humility

Heavenly Father,

I pray that my children will know the incredible freedom of giving of themselves. That's almost oxymoronic...freedom in giving of self.  It is also so typical of the contrast and comparison that is of You, Lord. May my children know the ministry of interruption that circumvents plans and intentions to serve someone else or meet a need.  May they know the ministry of holding their tongues ( hard to do!).  May they know the ministry of being non-judgmental and cease to compare themselves to others, great or small. Such liberating behaviors are all wrapped up in servanthood and are sweet beyond description. My own wrestlings with approval addiction bring me to this prayer for my beautiful children. It is painful to live for the goal of people to think well of you. A very wise man called in impression to manage the impression one makes on others. Pretty funny, huh, Lord?? True servanthood is not funny, nor painful nor an imposition.  True servanthood is freeing. It is a training experience to do good and disappear.  Lord, pride is the root human problem.  I think it may even be at the root of all human problems (sin)  for it removes You from the throne of our lives, then, we crawl onto that royal seat to reign over our little, respective kingdoms, when You are Lord of All, Creator of All and King of Everything! It is almost comical how we seek to get credit for the most trivial or mundane little deed while You have ultimate control over every aspect of life; from the smallest atom to the vast expanse of the universe!!  Oh, and what about the pride of spiritual growth!??? Yikes, so sad. And yet, You continue to love us!  May we, including these dear ones, continue to stop trying or pretending to be what we aren't.  You came to earth to demonstrate true servanthood. I pray we will strive to be more like You with each passing day. Being more holy, is not a sprint, but a marathon; a race that lasts a lifetime.  Thank You, Father, for running right alongside us every step of the way and even carrying us, when necessary. In Jesus' Name, Amen
When pride comes, then comes disgrace,  but with humility comes wisdom.  Proverbs 11:2
Where there is strife, there is pride,   but wisdom is found in those who take advice.   Proverbs 13:10
 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.   I Corinthians 13:4-7
14 “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” - Luke 18:9-14
Humility, if we could ever grow into it, would not be a burden. It would be an immense gift. Humility is the freedom to stop trying to be what we are not, or pretending to be what we are not and accept our 'appropriate smallness.' In Luther's words, humility is the decision to let God be God - John Ortberg
Tell tale signs of pride John Ortberg, The Life You've Always Wanted:

1.  Vanity: perhaps the most common manifestation of pride. Vanity is preoccupation with our appearance or image.

2.  Stubbornness: A form of pride which causes us to shun correction or renders us unable to stop defending ourselves. If someone points out an error or flaw, our response is to evade, deny or blame.

3.  Exclusion: At its deepest level, pride destroys the capacity to love. It leads us to exclude both God and others from their rightful place in our hearts. We compare ourselves to others and are not satisfied until we convince ourselves that we are better, smarter, faster, wealthier, so on.  

​More of Him - Less of me.  Always working on that!   Loves, Forever and always ​ ~

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Priorities; Accentuate the Positive

Heavenly Father,

It is a time of praise and thanksgiving for another year of life for Rebecca.  Bless her in unique and rich ways that she cannot dream or imagine.  Strengthen her faith and walk with You, Lord God, so that she lives abundantly.

Today, I pray that my children will live in such a way as to avoid burnout.   I have been re-reading the book of Jeremiah who suffered by losing himself to a project given to him by God.  Jeremiah allowed himself to come to the point of tears and depression. This weeping prophet is a man after my own heart for I am such a weeper!! God called Jeremiah to be a leader and messenger to His people. Called, strong, passionate leaders can be a mixture of incredible giftedness and weaknesses.  All of us must be keenly aware to overdoing, overloading, over-scheduling and overcommitment: the sin of over-ness!  We can learn much from Jeremiah - his good and his not so good traits.   May my children be like Jeremiah and never quit, even when life gets tough.  May they be publicly strong and faithful; facing  fears, doubts and loneliness in private and safe places. May they remain focused, establishing specific 'runaway-getaway' rituals that keep them mentally and physically alert and stimulated. O God, it has taken many years for me to learn to decline (even dismiss!) unhealthy outside influences, including the expectations, opinions and criticisms of others.

Staying true to You and to Your Word maintains sure-footing in one's strengths and provides a whole new meaning to loving & serving You.  You are always #1 to please.  May we maintain priorities: You, spouses, family and then, friends.  In rightful order, next comes work/school, pleasures and all else that complies life itself.  May these dear loved ones avoid being caught up in the agony of going "over" in any and all of these areas; keeping the main thing the main thing!  In Jesus' name, Amen

Matthew 6:33 Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

Jeremiah 15:19  If you return, I will restore you; you will stand in My presence. 

Isaiah 57:18-19  I have seen their ways, but I will heal them; I will guide them and restore comfort to Israel’s mourners, 19 creating praise on their lips. Peace, peace, to those far and near,” says the Lord. “And I will heal them.”

James 5:19-20  19 My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, 20 remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.

Battle burnout by addressing current stresses and pursuing the opportunities, abilities and passions that used to energize you.  - Tom Harper, Leading from the Lion's Den

Burnout is a prolonged response to chronic emotional and interpersonal stressors. It is defined by a confluence of exhaustion, cynicism and inefficacy. I would build rituals into my weekly and monthly calendar doing things I enjoy....We must learn to fence off certain parts of life, to protect those chunks of time and to decide for yourself how you are going to use them. - Christina Maslach in The Truth About Burnout

There are three things we must learn to let go of it we want greater healing and maturity in our lives: unrealistic expectations, negative emotions and lies. - Allison Bottke

So, Dear Ones, accentuate the positive; eliminate the negative and live, Beautiful Children!  Forever and always ~

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Happy Birthday to Bob!

Heavenly Father,

Today we celebrate a big birthday! It's Bob's! Lord, at this place in time, all birthdays are big, beautiful and wonderful!  Thank You, thank You for a God-fearing servant leader husband, father of our precious children and friend of all.   Thank You for Bob's passion, good humor and sense of priority to be Your man and to be the spiritual leader of our family. Thank You for his commitment that is 110% and all in!  Thank You for his recovery from cardiac challenges and for his drivenness to be strong and fit.  Bless Bob all the days of his life, Lord and thank You for making Him ours!
I pray for my children - for all of us -  to have more and more laughter in life. I feel in love with Bob's amazing sense of humor and because he could bring laughter into any circumstance of life. We love that our family laughs together and I pray that these loved ones will make every effort to know and enjoy the healing ingredients of smiles and the warmth of laughter.   Lord, may we always laugh together for it is a true gift from You.  Bless us all with light hearts and guiltless giggles for life is good!   In Jesus' Name, Amen and Whooppeeee!
Proverbs 17:22  A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. 
Nehemiah 8:10-11 Then he said to them, “Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” 11 So the Levites quieted all the people, saying, “Be still, for the day is holy; do not be grieved.”12 And all the people went their way to eat and drink, to send portions and rejoice greatly, because they understood the words that were declared to them

Psalm 30:11-12  You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, To the end that my glory may sing praise to You and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever.

God At Your Wit’s End  by Marilyn Meberg                                                                                                       Laughter serves a greater purpose than just distracting us from our misery as we do our time pressed to  the wall, It’s good medicine.  We now know laughter releases the brain’s natural painkillers, endorphins, which can be 50x more powerful than morphine. Laughter not only reduce pain, it lowers blood pressure and relaxes the skeletal frame.  A good laugh may drive us to our knees simply because the skeletal frame can no longer hold us up (some prefer that to prayer!)

Reliving the Passion – by Walter Wangerin, Jr.     
                  The difference between shallow happiness and deep, sustaining joy is sorrow. Happiness lives where sorrow is not. When sorrow arrives, happiness dies. It cannot stand pain. Joy, on the other hand, rises from sorrow and therefore can withstand all grief. Joy, by the grace of God, is the transfiguration of suffering into endurance and of endurance into character and of character into hope – and the hope that has become our joy doesn’t disappoint us.  
Loved Ones, may we live with such joy that it can be seen and the glowing smiles on our faces and the delightful, soul-altering  sounds of laughter!

Always and Forever ~

    Monday, October 12, 2015


    Dear Ones, 

    Watching the Ironmen cycle past the neighborhood this morning and thinking of the countless hours of preparation, perseverance and all ways, great and small....this daily devotion is even more meaningful. Every move we make, every step we take, every word that comes from our lips has a consequence.  Ouch....and I just ate a chocolate donut! We are all still learning, aren't we?!  Love to all my iron-strong family~ 

    Forever and always ~

    Thursday, October 8, 2015

    We Change But God Does Not

    Heavenly Father,

    You know I am in the middle of the semi-annual kids' consignment sale, I am seeing tons of items: toys, sporting gear and massive amounts of clothing for all ages.  I think about what Jesus said about old garments and new garments; old habits or rituals and new ways of life. Lord, I know our precious young adults are leaving former ways and moving into new seasons of life.  School is nearing completion and relocation seems imminent.  Careers are changing and responsibilities being realigned.  Bob and I are in a new season of life and on the brink of fresh possibilities.  Life is full of change and we are repeatedly called to adjust, adapt and get in step with new rhythms.  It is probably true that the only easy way to deal with change is if I am the one doing the change! I pray that all of us can accept change with integrity, flexibility and eager anticipation, knowing Your promises are real. You work all things for our good and You are ever mindful of us; true to all You promise those who seek You.  Thank You, Lord God for Your steadfast faithfulness  in every season, for every reason and circumstance.  Thank You for going before us and preparing the way.  Align our wills with Your Will.  Change is inevitable, but our God is invincible, innovative, incredible and eternal - there is nothing You cannot do! In Jesus' Name, Amen
     2 Corinthians 5:17
    Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. 
    ​Romans 12: 2   
    And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed [changed] by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

    ​Malachi 3:6 "
    I am the Lord, and I do not change. And so you, the descendants of Jacob, are not yet completely lost.”  
    ​Hebrews 13:8 ​
    “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” 
    Change is a law of organizational life….today’s motto for leadership is ‘change or perish’. The only thing worse than ignoring change is leaping into it willy-nilly. – John Maxwell
      People reply on one of five coping mechanisms when responding to change. The five coping mechanisms of any transition are:
    1.      Hold out (hope that the past returns)
    ​                ​
    Keep out (hunker in the bunke
    3.      Move out (relocate and hid
    in nostalgic yearnings for the status quo)
    ​               ​
    Close out (toss in the towel and admit defeat)
    ​              ​
    Reach out (change with a direction toward the future)
     Change is often discouraging to people. Massive change can be disheartening. People need to have regular encouragement along the journey; assurance that things are going to be OK, that the future is not gloomy but bright. Change agents need to have a positive attitude and give forth encouragement liberally, especially in the early stages of a new change journey, as many are in a process of grief. 
    ​ - from Change is Like A Slinky by Hans Finzel 
    Keep smilin', Beautiful Children.  If change isn't upon you, better accept that it's coming .....we can do this!
    Always and forever ~