Thursday, March 26, 2020

March 26 2020

SHE HAS ARRIVED!!                                                                        

Miss Maisel Vera Battoe ("Maisy") made her grand debut into God's world on Monday, March 23  2020.  God knows we needed her and in His always perfect timing, she brings light and life to this family in the Lion-and-Lamb month of March.  As Maisy launches into life, I am re-launching this blog which our son, Chip, began some time ago. For several years, our children were living far away and I began emailing them my thoughts and prayers.  In a surprise to me, our older son, Chip, created a blog to share "Mom's Prayers."  He, along with my husband, Bob, and younger son, Marc, have bugged me for months to blog again.  Since retiring in November 2017, they all regularly plead with me to share my prayers, thoughts and journalings. So, "For such a time as this" I dedicate this humble blog to our sweet baby girl, Maisy.  Baby Maisy has no clue how much she is already loved.  In the present state of our country battling the invisible enemy, Coronavirus, we don't know when we will be together to meet her, face-to-face. Until then, we thank God for technology that keeps us connected and able to share the details of life with loved ones.  Maisy has already inspired me to step out in faith in this Reflections with Robbie informal narrative.

Bob and I married on March 31, 1973.  Seems silly now that we wanted to wake up together on the day after our wedding and shout, "April Fool!" Our love and laughter have prevailed all these years. We both know that we have stayed together because of our faithful Lord and our mutual love and devotion to Jesus Christ. That love in this three-stranded cord,  has grown and matured over the years.  Jesus' life-giving, powerful spirit has sustained us, individually and together, through an array of triumphs and storms.   For several years, our wedding anniversary celebration paled in the deaths of both my precious parents in March. Dad passed in 1974 and Mom ("Tucky") in 2005. On March 31, 2013, our 40th wedding anniversary and Easter Sunday, Chip (Maisy's Daddy) was leaving church in downtown Chicago when the motor scooter he was driving was struck by an oncoming van carrying a family also traveling to Easter worship service. Chip sustained a devastating spinal cord injury which left him paralyzed from the waist down. So, yes indeed, Miss Maisel,  God brought you into our lives in His perfect timing and specifically in the month of March. We celebrate you, Maisy Girl for your arrival is full of promises and potential,  just as Ecclesiastes 3:11 promises, "He hath made everything beautiful in His time."  

I have journaled for years and confess to being inconsistent in this discipline.  Lately, I have been verse mapping passages about conception and birth since we first learned of Rebecca's pregnancy. Verse mapping is a method of studying the Bible in a way that unpacks the scriptures using word origins, historical context, definitions, maps and prayer to help find deeper meaning in God's Word and apply it to life. Of course, thanks to Godly parenting and a lifetime commitment to the church, prayer has been a daily habit since childhood. I plan to share new perspectives of v-mapping, journaling and prayer in future blogs.   

We pray because God's giving deserves our thanksgiving.  Dag Hammarsjkold wrote "For all that has been thank you, for all that will be, Yes!"  Yes in Christ!  There it is again! He says, "Yes" when we align our will with His Will. What more could we ask?  

Friends,  selecting a name for this blog has been a tedious process.  Something unique and not already claimed on the web was next to impossible.  Hubs Bob said, "Just use your name so people will know!!" Thus, I did as he suggested rather than indefinitely delay the posting. BTW,  don't expect future postings to be this long.  I got carried away which is what I do so well.

We cannot thank our kids enough for sharing the conception early on so we could cover Rebecca, Chip and the pregnancy in prayer.  I will never forget how we learned we would have a granddaughter.  Bob and I were on our dream trip to Israel. While standing on a balcony overlooking the city of Jerusalem, Chip and Rebecca called to share that the baby was a girl!! At long last, a Battoe girl in our little clan!!

I've read in multiple books that "prayer is simply a wish of the heart directed heavenward - that it's potency lies in the depth of the desire."  It is true, of course,  but prayer is more than that. Prayer is beyond wishing.   It is an opportunity provided to humans to communicate with the Creator and Designer of the world. Our God knew the desires we all had for this baby to come into the world. So, we prayed for Miss Maisy,  the fulfillment of God's promise. We will continue to pray for this child as long as we have breath.  She is a rainbow baby; a baby born subsequent to miscarriage, vanishing, stillbirth, or the death of an infant from natural causes,  Maisy is God's promise made and God's promise kept and our hearts of full of thanks and praise

We love II Corinthians 1:20-21: "For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.  Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come."  He says YES in Christ! He says AMEN or let it be! He says His Glory is demonstrated in His promise-keeping! The Apostle Paul authored these words in his letter to the church of Corinth. In it, Paul makes clear reference to The Trinity:  God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Together, The Trinity  communicates Its divine power at work in us and for us: establishing us, anointing us, sealing us and making us His very own. He promises and I believe His promises are guaranteed in Christ.

We pray for this child because "God’s promises are specific, concrete examples of His grace. He was under no legal bondage to be true to His work. His promises are gracious offers which He will not renege upon for He cannot deny His own goodness, faithfulness and love." Jack Hayford.  We pray because we have experienced the power of prayer countless times - in great and small ways, in immediate responses or answers that took years to be accomplished, but always in the assurance of a powerful outcome.  Friends, prayer to God and prayer answered by God directly reveals  Himself to us. Prayer is God making Himself known in all our circumstances. We pray because God is good and we have come to depend upon His goodness. He wants us to trust and depend on Him. Prayer gives us the opportunity to grow our trust and dependence on Him.  

Heavenly Father we praise You for new beginnings -  for the birth of our Maisy and for rebirth in each of us upon another day of life. You have blown a fresh wind into our souls with the arrival of this darling babe.  We do not ignore the travail that is upon our nation and our world at this time. Yet, we can declare this is Your day and we rejoice and are glad in it. We praise You for daily provision to sustain us. We praise You for spiritual provision that keeps us secure from now and into eternity. We praise You for the healing of our land and our world that is to come. “You open Your hand & satisfy the desires of every living thing.”  Praise You for power of health & strength; for friends & family for “they are a heritage from you, how you reward us.”  We worship You, confess our errors & ask forgiveness to enter into full communion with You.  O God of Every Generation, our God of promise, of hope and a future,  open our hearts & inspire our minds to grasp truth.  May OUR MEANS be YOUR MEANS. May YOUR MEANS be OUR MEANS.  May we minister, serve & build a Kingdom that will not perish. You are eternal and everything about You is eternal, including your own. We seek Your face and ask that You heal our land.   Bless this child for whom we prayed and of whom You said, "YES!"  Praise You, thank You and bless You, sweet Savior. In Jesus' name I pray with the certainty to someday meet you face-to-face.  Amen.  


  1. Robbie, what an awesome blog! I look forward to more! I also think that you should write a book! You are great at penning your convictions! Obviously led by the Holy Spirit! Love you!

    1. Thank you for commenting. It is humbling to share my simple thoughts and, sometimes, ramblings. I pray it is a blessing to growing deeper faith in Jesus. Love you back!

  2. Robbie what a beautiful written blog. Thank you so much. I am sitting here with my Dad who is nearing the end of his life and what perfect timing to be reminded of Gods love

    1. Your comment is unidentified....I could guess who you are, but please let me know. My heart goes out to you in this time of last days, watching and waiting. Thank the Lord for Eternal Security that takes away the sting of death in this earthly life. God bless you and God bless Dad

  3. So happy for you and your family! Especially in this time of unrest and uncertainty, you are always an inspiration. So miss you on Sundays. We are still in Florida, May go home in a couple of weeks. Don’t really want to with all the memories to confront. Just remembering the good and special Julie and praying that her children find peace. Enjoy your special gift from God! Norma Hogan

  4. It is so good to hear from you, Norma. You are often in my thoughts and prayers, Dear One. I am glad you and Mike are in respite in Florida. It is amazing how healing sunshine (Sonshine!) comforts our souls! I love Texas sunshine for the very same reason. When I think of you, I am reminded of excellent, unconditional parenting. You remained a fierce champion for your Julie. In her adulthood, you maintained healthy boundaries, still loving her all the while. I hope you know the peace and comfort of knowing you were and are a good Mom through it all, Norma. I am confident you are a superlative Grandma to your beautiful grands, too!! I respect you so much and you remain a precious Forever Friend. Thank you for reaching out and let's stay in touch. Hugs from Texas

  5. It is so good to hear from you, Norma. You are often in my thoughts and prayers, Dear One. I am glad you and Mike are in respite in Florida. It is amazing how healing sunshine (Sonshine!) comforts our souls! I love Texas sunshine for the very same reason. When I think of you, I am reminded of excellent, unconditional parenting. You remained a fierce champion for your Julie. In her adulthood, you maintained healthy boundaries, still loving her all the while. I hope you know the peace and comfort of knowing you were and are a good Mom through it all, Norma. I am confident you are a superlative Grandma to your beautiful grands, too!! I respect you so much and you remain a precious Forever Friend. Thank you for reaching out and let's stay in touch. Hugs from Texas
