Monday, June 27, 2016

Prayer for Vacation

Heavenly Father,

Bless our little family as we all prepare to converge at the beach.  Keep Rebecca safe and bless her as she flies from South Africa.  Watch over Marc and Alyssa in their road travel from Dallas.  Keep Bob, Chip and me safe on the highway from Kentucky.  Watch over Tucky in her home and keep her safe and content. Keep your protective hand on Cha and Lee, Beth, Chris, Saylor and CJ; on Ellee and Kurt as they drive south.  May we all depart rested and avoid emergencies and accidents along the way.
I pray for a blessed time together and we relax, enjoy Your beautiful creation and share a week of respite and family. Because we know that much of Your best work is accomplished on ordinary days, we anticipate experiencing Your best in the company of loved ones. Thank You, Lord for the beautiful and allure of the ocean that calms us, induces a renewed spirit and deeper appreciation of the company we share. 
Cover every detail of our pathways to the destination and the details of the stay once we arrive.  Cover us as we make beautiful memories.  Cover us as we depart and go our separate ways to re-enter life with all it's demands and challenges.  Thank you for resources, time and availability to have such a week together. You are so good to us, Lord. We trust that You will provide a safe, beautiful week for us, Lord. We open our hearts to possibilities and to one another. We trust that love and laughter will prevail.  In Jesus Name I pray, Amen
There is an old Quaker means of prayer that is especially helpful, because it is so concrete. Sitting with hands open in your lap, the prayer is simply, What you put in my hands, Lord, I will receive from you. Then you turn your palms over, saying Whatever you take out of my hands, Lord, I will let go. It sounds childish, but then isn’t it usually the scared kid in us that finds it so hard to trust? The Quakers acknowledged prayer as a special means of coming to trust when the way is difficult. The need to control being the insidious thing it is, prayer acts like rock salt on winter ice, unthawing the heart a little at a time, until, out of nowhere, come the actual stirrings of trust we can feel.   - 
Strong Women, Soft Hearts by Paula Reinhart

It's gonna be terrific! Always & forever  ~

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Let us be about WORK and not WORKS!

Heavenly Father,

You know that we are all praying for Chip and Rebecca to find purposeful, suitable work.  With thanks and praise, we are all so grateful that Marc and Alyssa have found work with potential, fulfillment and long-term fruitfulness.  I pray that You will send opportunities to Chip and Rebecca in like manner, Lord. 
We have learned that work is doing by Your grace along with Holy Spirit power, what You have called us to do.  We all want to be about work and not 'works' which is doing in one's own strength and ability what WE want to do. In fact, thank you for reminding us that the 's' in works could stand for show! May we all focus on work (that is all about You) and not, works (which is all about the individual.)  
Make a way, Dear Lord, for the right positions to be manifested for Chip and Rebecca.  Give them patience and tenacity to unearth opportunities and to decipher what is pure and true; right and praise worthy. With thanks in advance for the great WORK You are about to do in each of them, we pray in Jesus' Name, Amen.

​2 Corinthians 9:12-13   
This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. 13 Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else.

​Titus 3:8   
This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.
When we carry out our vocation in obedience to God’s commands, then God himself works through us to His purposes. This partnership with God includes all legitimate forms of work, not just spiritual vocations. – Martin Luther (who later rejected the notice that monks and clergy were engaged in holier work than shopkeepers and housewives.)…Seemingly secular works are a worship of God and an obedience well pleasing to God. 
Billy Graham 

God regards not the greatness of the work but the love which prompts it. - The Practice of the Presence of God,  Brother Lawrence
Still praying for job  breakthroughs for both of you.  Goodness, look what happened for Marc and Alyssa and all just on time - God's time :)
Always and forever - Momma​