Thursday, December 10, 2015

Guarding from Temptation

Heavenly Father,

Guard and guide my children from temptation. May they recognize harmful situations, acts and behaviors with discernment and strong character.  They are set apart, Lord - by You and by those who love them. I confess that I sometimes cave into temptations that separate me from You and it's a painful process to return to a right, healthy relationship with You . Forgive us for thinking we have control of appetites or that we are strong enough to resist the work of the evil one.  From the Garden of Eden-to the temptations of Christ in the wilderness- to me, Satan uses "the lust of the flesh - the lust of life and the pride of life" to snare us into corruption.  Holy Spirit, guard us; guide us and strengthen us to turn away from anything that displeases God or separates us from His company and the power He places in us.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.    

The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.  - (1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT)

Beginning with temptation, Jesus showed a reluctance to bend the rules on earth.
​- Phillip Yancey

A man traveled extensively on business and had been dealing with a weakness for pornography, going back a number of years. Sadly, hundreds of modern hotels and motels now offer x-rated tv channels, rental movies and video machines that will also play anything the user might bring along. More than once this man had been tempted; more than once he’d given in.  What made his situation more difficult was the loneliness of the road. Every night a new hotel; every night a new room; every night a new temptation; every night he was alone. Finally he asked the Lord to give him the strength to wipe out an addiction that he had tried repeatedly to stare to death but never could. The Lord helped him, but not in the way he expected. The man felt very clearly that rather than removing his weakness, God sent a verse in Genesis 4:7 “But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.” We know that Cain lost his battle with sin in a big way, but this man did not. From that day forward, whenever he arrived at a new hotel he immediately called the front desk and asked them to remove his tv set and all ads for movie rentals and TV channels. Demanded would have be a better word, for this is really what he did. Many times they thought he was crazy; more than once they told him to just ignore it if he didn’t want to use it. However, he insisted and each time he got his way. Eventually he even learned how to specify his requirements in advance and after a time, like a waiter who serves you the same sandwich 5x a week, the places he frequented became proactive themselves and began asking if he wanted his unusual accommodations. With great determination and taking charge, physically changing his environment, substituting healthful activities the man gradually lost the recurring urge to give in to Satan’s temptations. After all said the man, who but he himself had the right to determine what would appear before his eyes, on his own time and in his own room?? – Charles Stanley Walking Wisely
Temptation lies around every corner, waiting to consume us, Dear Ones. I pray for your discernment and the strength to say, "No!" and laugh in the face of what an ensnare you. I pray the same for me, too :)          
Always and Forever ~